Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 7, October 2021

Article 1: The standard set by God (written by Maurício A Berger)

Article 2: The Same Faith of Jared's Brother (written by Coriolano Pacheco)

Article 3: Kelvin Henson's Testimony (written by Kelvin Henson)

Article 4: Morning Manna: Bringing truth to the light - God’s blessing upon the seers (written by Peter Gould)


Volume 7, Article 1-October 2021: written by Maurício A. Berger

The standard set by God

1 - We are, in many ways, a privileged group among the Latter-day Saints because we have been given the ability to see into the darkness and understand what our brethren in the Church do not perceive, allow themselves to believe, or accept, even if this story has a slim chance of being true because it hurts their habitual beliefs.

2 - No doubt, even if they allow themselves, if only out of curiosity to investigate the emergence of this group because of the sealed portion of the Mormon Plates, many will continue to cling to human precepts on this matter of a prophetic nature in the last days, where we can read in 2 Nephi 27: 21-26 that he whom the Lord calls to read the words of this sealed book will address a hard-hearted people whose leaders will say that all is well in Zion, that Zion prospers (2 Nephi 28:21, 24-31), and who will deny these things when they begin to occur among them.

3 - Clearly and unmistakably, the prophecy described in this context indicates that he would not be a Church leader, exactly as we are taught in the intricacies of Latter-day Saint society.

4 - Joseph taught us that "it is inherent in human beings to place limits and restraints upon the works and manner of the Almighty." - History of the Church, volume 5, pp. 529-530.

5 - To argue that only the President of the Restoration Churches can translate the sealed portion prophesied in 2 Nephi 27 into the Book of Mormon is tantamount to placing limits on the Almighty and determining what his manner of acting should be, ignoring what verse 23 shows us which says "For behold, I am God, and I am a God of miracles; and I will show the world that I am the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever; and I work not with the sons of men, but according to their faith", and in the following verse reveals that "again", as he did in the past, he would call one who would be in the same manner as his prophets in previous dispensations, discredited by his own people in the last days.

6 - Joseph, in translating the Bible, specifically the text of II Thessalonians 2:2-9, taught about God allowing deception by saying that: "before the coming of Christ there would come an apostasy in the restoration and the man of sin would be manifested", whom he calls the son of perdition (because he would lead his church to perdition in the last days), being that in verse 7, he mentions that the mystery of unrighteousness operates (in the midst of the church) and that it operates only because "Christ allows it to operate. ...". until the time is fulfilled when he will be taken out of the way (showing that this man of perdition is someone who would be in the leadership of the church, because from this midst he will be taken out), when then verse 8 says that the wicked one who (verse. 4) sits, "as God, in the temple of God," and since only the president of the church sits today in the highest position, and almost worshipped as a God by the members of the church, never inhibiting such action, as it should be, I presuppose that this man, whom (vers. 8) "the Lord shall destroy with the breath of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming" is, no doubt, the one who occupies the office of president of the church, which no longer corresponds to the authentic Gospel that by Joseph Smith Jr. had been restored in the 19th century.

7 - Yea, the Lord, Jesus Christ, (verse 9) whose coming "shall not take place till there be an apostasy" in the restored church in the latter part of the fullness of time, by the work of Satan (which has already been going on since the death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith in the midst of the restoration), with all power and lying signs and wonders, in order to bring all, if possible, to perdition.

8 - This tendency, however, is not something new, and in a way, "to allow this deception, has always been the method used by GOD to test His elect". Only in this way, He can know who are His Shadrachs, Meshachs and Abnegates among His people.

9 - However, to kindle this fire again, and more intensely than the previous ones, it is first required that we evaluate the appearance of the Sealed Book for ourselves, in accordance with Moroni's promise "that we can know for ourselves the truth of all things by sincere prayer".

10 - We cannot afford, with so much information coming from the standard works of our faith available today in every home of Mormonism, to be misled by the precepts of men who direct us, once we have the Everlasting Gospel, "as a rod of iron in our hands" to make sure whether what we are taught in the pulpits of the Church is still in full accord with the will of Christ or not.

11 - Unquestionably, the appearance of the Sealed Book in our days, coming from a source unknown to the members, seems to them something as shocking as it must have been to the Jews when Amos, for example, appeared before the covenant people with the revelation that the Lord will do nothing to his people, without first informing them of the calamities proposed for their repentance through his servants the prophets. For they already had in their midst their prophet, who in turn affirmed that Amos was false, and for this reason the people of the covenant in his days rejected him.

12 - But what can be said of the appearance of this book, if it fulfills in its details the law of witnesses, a standard established by God both in the Old and New Testaments, and also in the Book of Mormon and in the Doctrine and Covenants, a parameter established by the heavens that the covenant people might confirm the truth above all things?

13 - Judge for yourselves, whether by the refusal of the Saints to ascertain for themselves the origin of this book by means of the law of witnesses stipulated by God Himself in the sacred scriptures, they would not be in some way offending the Supreme Intelligence of the universe, when they admit the truthfulness of the standard works which guide their beliefs and their faith in restoration, but yet exempt themselves, by mere human precepts, from obeying such a law?

14 - Would they not, in this case, as James testifies in his Epistle in the Bible, chapter 2:10, be breaking the whole law by stumbling on this one point? - However, it is not just this one point, as is well reported below.

15 - Since in this case the law of the witnesses has been fulfilled, in its details, by this translator, as required by the text of Isaiah 43:9 - does not such a refusal place these below their own intellectual capacities with which heaven has invested them, if they persist in acting contrary to what the Lord requires of them as a covenant people?

16 - See below, excerpt from the Revelation received March 19-27, 2020, in which the Lord clearly and unequivocally gives us the understanding we must have regarding this matter - the law of witnesses.

"21. This time, however, unlike what was required of my servant Joseph in the early days of the restoration, I, the Lord, required my chosen servant, whom you know today as Mauricio Artur Berger, to summon his witnesses even before the translation took place, so that they could testify to the veracity of the plates, for I, the Lord, in my omniscient wisdom, foresaw that due to their divergent precepts and personal interests, each would take different paths after the translation.

 22. However, nothing can annul from the history of this second invitation, that sublime moment when together, the eight original witnesses testified to the world, by the confirmation of the Holy Spirit which was poured out upon them on that sublime occasion, that the plates are authentic as they raised their voices in one heart to Me, Jesus Christ, as My people should be in the fullness of time; united in heart as they sang "sing alleluia to the Lord".

 23. Where are their witnesses now? It does not matter. What matters, is that my chosen servant followed the pattern required by me, the Lord, as indicated in his holy scriptures. But you, who claim to be my people in these last days, why do you not do the same?

 24. Why do you not have the standard of ascertaining the facts as required of you in your scriptures? How long shall I call you to repentance for your stiffneckedness?

 25. However, My people stop at nothing, as they listen to the fabricated voice of those who conspire without cause against My anointed, as they heed the voice of the wicked traitors who have infiltrated among you, and who from among My chosen ones have risen to deceive you, while the facts, together with the artifact witnesses presented by My servant, Mauricio, could never, according to the law of men, be rejected by any court on earth, for there are so many reliable witnesses in this occurrence, more than the law of men itself requires, to attest to any fact presented in human courts.

 26. How much more, then, would not this event presented by this man you know as Mauricio Berger be true? Who, through the divine word of your scriptures, followed the guideline stipulated by Me, the Lord, who am your advocate before the Father, the Judge of all the earth, regarding the appearance of these records among the children of men, that the same should be shown by the power and gift of God to three witnesses, and besides these, to as many more as were necessary to bring this work to light.

 27. Notwithstanding the refusal of my people to see the light proceeding from this record in the midst of the darkness found in the churches of the restoration, my bowels are filled with compassion that it may be fulfilled in them that which was spoken by me when these days should come, that I would not utterly cast them out in the day of my wrath, but would remember mercy.

 28. Behold, therefore, I say unto you, as I said unto my people in times past, that because of the many false spirits which have gone forth into the earth deceiving the world, after the translation of this ancient record by the hand of my servant, Mauricio, behold those who profess to be my church in these last days, who have turned away from my purposes, and though they draw near to me with their mouth and with their lips honor me within the walls of their churches, yet they have turned their hearts away from me again, cleaving to the precepts of men, for that which was spoken by me to Jeremiah must be fulfilled in you and in your generation, That I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who shall feed you according to my will, and shall feed them with the true knowledge of my word; For I will gather out of all nations a holy people unto me, the Lord, and I will take you from among the saints of the last days to bring them to the right understanding of my will concerning the law of consecration, so that this people, who shall be a remnant people of the restoration of my gospel, shall not again walk after the stubbornness and precepts of men."

 Access the revelation at this link: - http://olivroseladooficial.org/revelacao-recebida-entre-os-dias-19-a-27-de-marco-de-2020/

17. As all history has two sides, and only the side we could assimilate up to that time through what we have been told, as the records of the Mormon Church have been woven during the last two centuries. The time has come, and now is the time predetermined by God, with the appearance of this Second Invitation, for us to rewrite the history of our religion in the right way; no longer according to the precepts merely of this or other Churches that split with the death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, but by what is truly the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ, through what we are now able to understand for ourselves. Not on the basis of what men may relate to us, but through the revelations left, as a sure guide to lead us through the mists of darkness, which are being dispelled by means of this divine project called forth from so noble a cause, as the prophecy prescribes concerning him who in the last days shall be called upon to read the words of the sealed portion of the plates of Mormon, for in the fullness of time he would stand before the covenant people, who would "again" approach the Lord pro forma, and with their lips honor him, but their hearts would be far from him, for following rather the precepts of men than the true teachings of Christ, delineated in a rod of iron to lead them to the tree of life. - 2 Nephi 27: 21-25

18 - However, since the translation of the Book of Mormon, as well as the revelations of the Doctrine and Covenants are at the present time the same as were revealed to the people of the Church at the opening of the fullness of time, whose laws and ordinances transcribed in its pages must, as Joseph Smith Jr; taught by "immutable commandment," attend in their fullness to the covenant people at the present time, with the same character and transcendence with which they attended to the Mormon people in the early days of the restoration. It is then easy to discern, on the basis of these scriptures, whether in fact the pure doctrines of the gospel, as restored in the nineteenth century, have been altered in the meanderings of the LDS church up to this moment in history, when we have begun to propagate The Sealed Book among the Latter day Saints, and with it, the appearance of the Second Invitation, as transcribed in 2 Nephi 29: 1, wherein the Lord mentions that He will do a marvelous work in their midst, to remember the covenants which He made with the children of men; and for Him to stretch forth His hand the "second time" to recover His people, who are a remnant of the house of Israel.

19 - Having said this, I challenge any member of the Church who judges this group to be wrong, to find out, upon diligent investigation and careful reflection on the subject below, consistent with the scriptures, whether the people of his church are still attached to the rod of iron or whether they have already been somehow, subtly and imperceptibly diverted by the arm of the flesh into the valley of dense mists, which tend to cloud the spiritual vision of all those who cast aside the scriptures to blindly follow the purely precepts of men.

The dense fog of Lehi's dream tends to diminish the spiritual vision of those (church/ D&C 10:67) who initiated the path of restoration, but who at a certain point dropped the rod of iron to follow the precepts of men, going astray and, without direction, lost their true purpose in the Sight of God. - 1 Nephi 8:23

20 - I will use here, a line of reasoning only on the restoration records and scriptures correlated with the "sacramental ordinances", to show how much of this primary ordinance for our salvation was altered in the meanderings of the LDS church, although there is a significant list of other ordinances that were likewise altered in this referred institution, which I will not mention in this article for lack of space.

21 - Beginning with sacramental prayer; it is written in the church manuals that there are two sacramental prayers, and yet they are "fixed and immutable," and were predetermined even in the counsel of heaven, to be read or memorized, "in order to be repeated verbatim," i.e., according to the record of our scriptures. (D&C Student Manual, course 324-325, page 43. 29).

22 - Also in the church manuals, we can read that a "fixed prayer", as is the sacramental prayer, "is that which is revealed by the Lord for a special purpose" and must be repeated "word for word" so that the sacred ordinances "may be performed in an exact manner", as God has determined them in the scriptures for our benefit and exaltation (Seminary Student's Manual, study of the D&C and Church History, precisely on page 41', last paragraph).

23 - Finally, since it is well understood, on the basis of the teachings left to us through Joseph Smith, that it is unthinkable to change a single word of the sacramental prayer, I ask you three questions, on the basis of the records of Moroni 5:2, in the Book of Mormon, as well as the revelation of the Doctrine and Covenants 20:79, where we both find words adverse to what is offered at the sacramental table today.

- In reading these two records cited above, could someone tell me where in the sacramental prayer, where the cup is blessed in remembrance of the blood of Christ, we find the word "water"?

- With this in mind, could someone tell me what led the general authorities, in the course of time, to consent to change a "fixed and unchangeable" word, of a prayer that fully connects us with the Spirit of our God, for another that does not correspond at all with the original word, which represents the symbol that prefigures the blood that He shed on our behalf?

- How can the covenant people, at the present time, permit together, such a deception to themselves, when united in one voice they say amen according to a prayer dictated from a tablet transcribed under the sacramental table, whose message does not convey the essence of truth, as found in our scriptures, in whose texts it is transcribed: "bless and sanctify this 'wine' for the souls of all who drink of it"; but that in the interim, the key word had been altered, for the purpose of justifying the change which was made from the substance wine, to the element water at the sacramental table, in mere accordance with this new pronunciation, "bless and sanctify this 'water' for the souls of all who drink of it?"

24 - Citing the reasons which led the general authorities to change the original pronunciation of this fixed and immutable prayer of our scriptures, from wine to water; we come upon another matter of supreme importance in the sacramental ceremony, which had been changed by the Church's present interpretation of D&C 27, in connection with the event of August, 1830, five months after the founding of the Church, in which Joseph Smith is interrupted by an angel, as he goes to buy wine to commemorate the Sacrament, and the angel prevents him by saying that he must not buy wine of his enemies, and that it matters not what one eats or drinks in commemorating the Sacrament, so long as he remembers the body and blood of Christ.

25, - By this revelation we are taught in the Church that it was because of this admonition given to Joseph Smith, by the voice of the Savior Himself, that the general authorities consented to the use of water in sacrament meetings, and no more wine has been used since. However, if we reflect carefully and diligently upon this matter, we shall see that there can be among the men of the earth, since Section 27 of the Doctrine and Covenants was revealed, no other authority with greater understanding and credibility in this matter than the very man who received it - in this case, Joseph himself.

26 - He, could have gone home on that occasion and simply commemorated the Sacrament with water, had it been clear to his own understanding, that in fact it could be anything. But, despite what LDS church authorities currently teach, Joseph realized, through what he had recorded in verse 2, that it actually "does not matter what one drinks in partaking of the Sacrament as long as he remembers the blood of Christ" and, acting on what he had heard from the Lord at that time, as read in verse 4, he realized that, although no wine purchased from his enemies was to be used in the sacrament, there still remained the commandment that such an ordinance was to be commemorated with "new wine," made by the members of the Church themselves.

27 - And this is exactly what Joseph Smith did, as recorded in the church manuals, where we read, ".... In obedience to this revelation, he prepared 'a little wine of his own making' and thus performed the sacrament within his own house, which consisted of the gathering of only five persons, Newel Knight and his wife, Joseph and his wife, and John Whitmer." (Seminary Student Handbook, D&C and Church History study, precisely on page 49).

28 - In keeping with this theme, Joseph Fielding Smith explained that, "Joseph was not to use wine in the Sacrament unless it was produced by the Saints themselves and of recent manufacture, and that the wine was to be used primarily for its "blood likeness." (D&C Student Manual, course 325-325; pag.55 under the topic "It matters not what is eaten or what is drunk in sharing the sacrament").

29 - Furthermore, we can read in the Word of Wisdom, given as a revelation to the people of the Church, three years after the much quoted Section 27, that the Lord's will remained the same since He restored the gospel in 1830. On the use of wine in the sacrament; as we read in Doctrine and Covenants Section 89, verses 5-6: "that it is not good or acceptable in the sight of your Father for any of you to drink wine or strong drink, 'except' when ye come together to offer your sacraments before him. And behold, 'it must be wine,' says the context, yea, 'pure wine,' of grapes of the vine, 'of your own making.'"

30 - In accordance with the above, we read that this is how Brigham Young also understood it shortly after Joseph's death, when in the minutes of the meeting held in 1845 he says: At 4 o'clock, we met at Dr. Richards' house with President Young, Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, John Taylor, Amasa Lyman, George A. Smith, Orson Pratt, N[ewel K. Whitney, George Miller, L. Richards, and J. Young. We offered our prayers on a variety of subjects. (...) It was decided to employ Brother Isaac Morley to make '100 barrels of wine for the sacrament.' (William Clayton, An intimate chronicle: the journals of William Clayton, p. 171-172; July 3, 1845).

- By what authority was the main symbolism of the sacrament changed, the one that reminds us of the blood of the Savior shed for us, since Joseph has stated more than once that the ordinances are immutable and should never be altered in any way, for in the correct observance of their ceremonies and symbologies lies the power of the priesthood?

31 - Perhaps, for this reason, we see today the church "giving wheelchairs to the physically handicapped" (wheelchair users), because we do not see in its bosom, miracles such as were seen in the beginning of the restoration, as reported by Brother David W. Patten in Joseph's day, when in his mission to the east, "many sick were healed and many lame walked" (Teachings of the Prophet J.S. compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith; page 29; paragraph 2).

32 - It is no accident that D&C 84:20 says that: "in his ordinances the power of divinity is manifested".

- In the face of these truths, I wonder at the reasons that lead the saints today not to manufacture their own product of the vine.

33 - What I see, however, is a set of doctrines that have been subtly reversed, in such a way in their original context, that what is absolute truth in the scriptures, sounds like heresy in the midst of LDS society, while the lie prevails among the saints as if it were the supreme and immutable truth, for as it is written, they "exchanged the truth for the lie". - Romans 1:25

34 - This is so true, that if we were to reflect with humility on the almost inflexible position of the Church today regarding the use of water in the sacrament, we would see that they do not care how lofty their arguments based on their scriptures may seem, for any allegation contrary to their arbitrary position will always be incoherent to the collective understanding of the church at large. If one of your bishops, for example, understanding the scriptures, chooses to serve grape juice as an emblem of the blood of Christ at the sacramental table, not least because it could be anything, right? - But being honest with yourself, what do you think would happen to that bishop once his attitude was continued?

35 - Now, there is no doubt that this bishop would be called in the disciplinary council, and if he did not come to recant, he would soon be excommunicated from the Church, for act of apostasy.

36 - For, according to the manual "Preaching my Gospel Page 44", APOSTASY means the "departure from the truth", and in the case in question, the truth that prevails is the one preached by the church and no longer the one prescribed in the scriptures.

37 - With this, brethren, based on the scriptures, I realize how great is the deception engendered in the meanderings of the LDS Church, so that there is no means of practicing within it, what is truly commanded to us by its standard works, as revealed with the opening of this dispensation.

- Would not that, in itself, be a compelling reason for God to call out at the present time to whomever he would, as Amos did, to warn his people, of how far they have strayed from the true commandments restored in his Church in the 19th century? .

38. Entering upon another matter, still in regard to the sacrament, we read both in the book of Moroni 4:1-3, as well as in Doctrine and Covenants 20:76-77, that another invariable commandment in the restoration of the gospel, is the fact that "the whole Church," referring to all the members, without exception, should kneel together with the elders, at the time of sacramental prayer. In fact, there is no passage in the standard works of the Church, which permits only the elders and the priests blessing the Sacrament, as is done at the present time, to represent us in this act of the most sublime reverence and humility with respect to this ordinance.

39 - In Justin R. Bray's article, entitled "Excessive Formalities in the Mormon Sacrament," he shows that it was after the members arrived in Utah that this practice was inhibited. The general authorities were apparently concerned about excessive formalities (Bray, Justin R. - Excessive Formalities in the Mormon Sacrament, 1928-1940. Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies 4, no 1 (2012).

40 - Finally, as I enter into the last question I raise here regarding the sacrament, I turn to the reading of the Book of Mormon, precisely in 3 NEPHI 18: verses 5, 11, 29 and 30, as well as, to the context of D&C 20:68, where one can read, that only "baptized members" of the Church, can definitely participate in the sacrament. This is so true, that the Church manuals attest, through a record left by John Whitmer, that in the early days of the restoration, "the disciples (i.e., baptized members), used to exclude unbelievers (i.e., those who were not baptized) from sacrament meetings." (D&C Student Manual, course 325-325; pag.99 parg. 01).

41 - In another Manual, it is said that the ancient saints of the Church "refused to allow non-members to attend sacrament meetings." Therefore, the Lord revealed Section 46, authorizing anyone who sincerely sought the Kingdom to attend the meetings. We read clearly and unequivocally in the context of this Section, by which the general authorities of the LDS Church have in modern times obtained a new understanding, whereby it is now permitted that all visitors may be invited to participate in the sacrament services.

42 - However, such instruction from the Church today does not correspond to the original intent of this revelation, in which the Lord informs of His will, that only those who were "earnestly seeking the kingdom," and not just a seeker who was visiting the Church for the first, second or third time, would be worthy to attend sacrament meetings. (D&C Student Manual/Church History; page 75 under the topic "who may attend Church meetings?").

43 - Yet, as may be noted in the reading of D&C 20:68, "that the duty of the members," after having been received into the communion of Christ by baptism, was to learn from the elders and priests, all things pertaining to the church, to "only afterwards" take of "the sacrament, and thence to be confirmed by the laying on of hands as members of the Church, that all things may be done in order."

44 - In other words, this was the original order of things. And even if a person was invited to participate in the sacrament meetings by showing the members that he sincerely sought the kingdom, he could not however share with the brethren the emblems until he was baptized. Therefore, baptized members of the Church would not only have an obligation to see that an unbaptized person participated in the emblems, but they would "have a duty" by the Savior's command in 3 Nephi 18:28-30 not to allow it.

45 - In addition to all this, it is very clear from the reading of 3 Nephi 18:6 and 13:14 that: "6 We should seek always to do the sacrament as Jesus did, in the same manner...and 13 whosoever among you doeth more or less than this, he is not built upon his rock, but is built upon a foundation of sand; and when the rains fall and the floods come and the winds blow and beat against them, they shall fall....

 14 Therefore, blessed are you if you keep my commandments, which the Father has commanded me to give you."

46 - However, even if someone hesitates to verify these things for himself, because he clings to the fact that false prophets will arise in the end part of the times, this does not nullify the truths I have related to you here, which clearly show that the alterations of a sacred nature did not only occur because of the breaking of some covenants, as it came in a slow and progressive manner in the meanderings of the LDS church, and that the greater share of the blame falls on the shoulders of those who ignore these incontestable truths, simply by refusing to see what their scriptures say.

47 - And, believe me brethren, the sacrament was only one example that I cited among the many changes that occurred with the passage of time, after the death of Joseph and his first apostles, regarding the essential and immutable elements of the gospel restored by Christ in the nineteenth century. - Matthew 13: 14-15. 48

- Or would the commandments of the Book of Mormon, as well as the laws and ordinances revealed in the Doctrine and Covenants, be less true today than in the early days of the restoration?

Certainly not!

48 - However, if the realization of this is not sufficient for the saints of the LDS church to take a truly spiritual stand beside the sole agent of their faith, the Lord Jesus Christ, then they will have to resign themselves to being compared by the saints of this Second Invitation to the covenant people described by Jesus, "as blind men led by blind men." straining gnats, but swallowing camels, in the sense of wanting to appear pure and clean in the smallest things before men, but without realizing it they compromise in the most important matters of the laws and ordinances sacred before God.

49 - And if they do not awaken to what the Scriptures truly tell them, they will remain spiritually blind, because they cover their eyes so as not to see and their ears so as not to hear. This, at least until they reach the other side of the veil, in a lesser degree of glory than they longed for in life, here on this earth, to really realize, however, too late, that they had dropped the rod of iron on the way to the tree of life, and gone astray in the thick mists of darkness in attachment to the traditions of men, and not according to the commandments of God -2 Nephi 27: 25.


Volume 7, Article 2-October 2021: written by Coriolano Pacheco

The Same Faith of Jared's Brother

It has been argued that the sealed portion of the Mormon plates will be revealed when the people of God have the faith of the brother of Jared, according to Ether 4:27. Hence the supposed contradiction of the fulfillment of this prophecy at the present time, when this condition is not fulfilled. I propose to clarify this matter. First, however, it is appropriate to understand the contents of the golden plates in Moroni's custody.

The first part, which corresponds to the smaller portion of the plates, unsealed, was translated by Joseph Smith Jr. After the translation, Moroni took the plates, returning in 2007, when he delivered them to Mauricio A. Berger, on Mount Agudo, in the city of Agudo (Rio grande do Sul, Brazil), for the translation of the part that was sealed.

Mauricio A. Berger teaches us that the little book that John ate, in Revelation 10:8-10, which was sweet in the mouth and became bitter in the belly, is the part of the Book of Mormon translated by Joseph Smith. Sweet, because it is the true word of God. It becomes bitter, signifying the harmful consequences of not heeding the words in it or neglecting its precepts, which led the Lord to pronounce the condemnation upon the sons and daughters of Zion in 1832 (D&C 84:53-61), which will only be removed when due attention is given to the Book of Mormon, the revelations given in the Doctrine and Covenants up to the last revelation given to Joseph Smith III. (1)

Moroni gives the following explanation of this first part of the golden plates, translated by Joseph Smith, in MORONI'S WORDS:

"11 However, the Lord has commanded me to separate into three sets the whole record contained in the plates of Mormon, to be revealed in three periods of time.

12 The first set is a preparatory appendix to the second and the second to the third. The first serves to constitute a covenant between God and the Gentiles through repentance and constitutes an open record given in preparation of the people to understand greater things when they shall be revealed.

13 And if they do not harden their hearts when the second part comes, they will not only know the mysteries of God through the first part, but they will also receive more, a little here, a little there, line after line, precept after precept, until the mysteries of God are known through the revelation of the second part, for the understanding of all things concerning his church in the last days (1). (1) Alma 12:9-10

14 Nevertheless, behold, the contrary shall be the case with those who shall possess the first part of the records compiled by my father Mormon in the latter days, yea, in the days of the Gentiles, but who will not be willing to meditate in their hearts, neither will they avail themselves of the gift superimposed upon a promise transcribed by me, Moroni, and which corresponds to the first two parts of my father's writings, for I left recorded "these my words by way of exhortation" even before I sealed "these records," which corresponds to more than one sealed record, for at no time did I say "this record" when I mentioned that I would seal "these records." (1) (1) Moroni 10:2

When Mauricio removed the seals, in the presence of three Brazilian and eight American witnesses, he found a second sealed portion containing seven seals!

Of the forty-two plates from which Mauricio removed the seals, nineteen have been translated and published under the name The Sealed Book of Mormon, containing the following sections: a summary of part of The Sealed Book of Moses, The Apostles of Moses, and The Acts of the Three Nephites.

The remaining twenty-three plates, to be translated and published later, contain one-third of the revelations given to John on the Isle of Patmos and the prophecies made by the brother of Jared.

As for the remaining sealed part, which contains seven seals, Mauricio A. Berger clarifies that Revelation 10:3, which mentions seven thunders that sounded their voices, are seven prophets, whose words are sealed, for the time of the end, when Jesus Christ comes to his Temple and opens the last sealed part of the Book of Mormon, which contains seven seals corresponding to the words of the seven thunders or seven prophets. One of these records is the sealed Book of Moses, of which Mormon made a partial summary, leaving out the prophecies for a wise future purpose. (1)

Having thus understood the structure of the golden plates, it remains for us to clarify the true meaning of Ether 4:7. The clarification is made by Moroni, as follows:

"In turn, this set corresponding to the second part, concerning which I, Moroni, foretold in a double prophecy which was revealed to me by Jesus Christ, the context of which sets forth both the appearance of this sealed Book of Mormon, which is to be revealed before the coming of our Lord in the sight of his disciples in the latter days, and the record of the seven seals which my father, Mormon, foretold in this record, that our Lord alone is worthy to open the rest of the seals contained in the sealed set of these plates of Mormon, through the events which have been prophesied concerning the nations of the earth (1), after his coming to Zion in the New Jerusalem, and the seven events which shall unfold with the children of men, all foretold in these records, which by him, Jesus Christ, shall be revealed to those who shall have the faith of the brother of Jared (2), before he shall come from above the heavenly Zion, and the tent of God shall be established among the children of men, and the kingdom of our Lord shall subdue all nations under his terms. (1)" D&C 101:23; D&C 77:6; Rev. 5:5 | (2) Ether 4:7" (Words of Moroni 17).

Emphasizing the words of Moroni and complementing them with the revelations that Mauricio A. Berger has received: The sealed portion of the Book of Mormon referred to in Ether 4:17 is the last portion of the golden plates that will be revealed by the Savior himself, when he comes to his Temple, which will be built in Jackson County, on the site marked out by Joseph Smith. On this occasion, the saints who will dwell in Zion (the New Jerusalem), built in Missouri, will have the faith of the brother of Jared.

Long live Zion, long live Israel, Hosanna to the Lord!

Coriolano Pacheco

(1) Article THE SECRETS OF GOD, authored by Mauricio A. Berger, published in the magazine HERALD OF THE SECOND INVITATION, June/2019. Access on the web: https://thesealedbookofficial.org/


Volume 7, Article 3-October 2021: written by Kelvin Henson

Kelvin Henson's Testimony

Kelvin Henson's Testimony

(of how he became one of the witnesses of the Mormon plates)

I was invited by Bob Moore and Joseph Smith to go to Brazil with them, along with Brad Gault, Gary Metzger, Tyler Crowell, David Gilmore, and Sam Gould. We arrived in Brazil on March 3, 2018, and were met by five of the saints, including Joni Batista and Wagner Zeppenfeld, two of the three Brazilian witnesses. They took us to lunch and as we conversed, I found them to be welcoming and excited for us to be there. We were then taken to Mauricio Berger’s home where we all stayed for the weekend. He was not at home when we arrived, but we met his wife who was also very welcoming and excited to have us, as well as two of his daughters who were a bit more shy. We also met Valdeci Machado, the other Brazilian witness, as well as Nelson Victoria, who helped interpret with Gary Metzger.

I was speaking with David on the balcony of the apartment when I saw that Mauricio had arrived. He was excited to see us, and came around to each one, greeting us by name and giving us a hug. He immediately invited us to sit, and shared his testimony. After finishing, he opened it up to questions. We asked him many questions, and talked into the evening. He answered all of our questions without hesitation and often used the scriptures in his response. When asked about the interpreters, he pulled them out of a case and passed them around.

I saw the stone that had been previously broken, which was fused back together by Moroni. I also saw the other stone which was new. They both had characters etched into them, and were close in size and shape, but not exact copies. The new one was clear and had little streaks of copper embedded within. They both had a ridge to be fastened to a frame. From what I understood, the older stone works in Mauricio’s mind, while the new one literally reflects and refracts the light of the word. He showed us with a flashlight in a dark room. The stone refracts the light at six different points, three on each side. The characters on the plates translate into English and Portuguese for Mauricio. He reads the Portuguese while Joni writes it down, then copies down what he sees in English.

While we were talking that evening, Mauricio mentioned that he knew Tyler and I would be coming as witnesses because he saw us in separate dreams. He did not tell us the dreams at that time because we were told that we were going to meet the rest of the congregation for introductions and supper. We were taken to a separate building and met in a classroom where they have church. We sat in a large circle and each person there introduced themselves. Gary and Nelson traded out as interpreters. When I stood to speak, I shared with them that I am a sinner and I felt inadequate to be invited on this trip. I could think of several other men that I considered more righteous than myself that would be better qualified for this work. However, I was happy to be there and thankful for the warm welcome that we had received. After we returned to Mauricio’s home, I learned that my feelings of inadequacy had already been revealed to Maurico in his dream of me.

While the other men prepared for bed, I grabbed Gary and we met with Mauricio in the living room where he told me his dream. He mentioned that he had this dream after the first visit from Joseph and Bob, but before he knew anything about me. The following is Mauricio’s dream concerning me:

Mauricio is driving down a long road. He is unaware of where it goes. As he is driving, he sees me hitchhiking on the side of the road. Mauricio pulls over and asks where I am going. I tell him that I don’t know. He invites me into the car anyway, and asks what my name is. I tell him that my name is Kelvin Henson. He is listening to Christian music, and I ask him to change it to rock and roll. We continue down the road, without knowing where we are going. I eventually realize that wherever we are going is for people who are righteous. I speak up and tell him that I cannot go there because I am not righteous and I have a lot of things holding me back. I tell him to pull over and I’ll get out here. Mauricio pulls over, then invites me to come and see. I decide to stay in the car and we go off down the road.

When Mauricio woke up he typed in my name on Facebook, having remembered what it was from the dream. He saw that I was a real person and knew that I was supposed to come down as a witness. He began to pray for me, and told the congregation to pray for me by name to come down as one of the witnesses. Later I asked Wagner and Joni separately if they had prayed about me. They both confirmed that they had prayed for me because of Mauricio’s dream. Mauricio also mentioned that I looked different in his dream- I had longer hair and no beard. I found this interesting, because when I was younger I wore my hair long and didn’t have facial hair. That was also the period of my life when I was heavy into rock music. I won’t write out the dream with Tyler, as I cannot remember all of the details, but I do remember that he looked different in Mauricio’s dream as well, possibly of him when he was younger. Sam Gould had the idea that the Lord has been preparing the both of us over the years for this specific calling.

Sunday began with a nice breakfast and conversation about the events of the previous day. We were taken to church in separate cars but arrived at the building together. As we climbed out of the vehicles, we were met with "The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning" which was being played on a piano inside. Valdeci was in charge and told us that the Holy Spirit was at Mauricio's house when he picked us up and it encouraged him to let this meeting be open to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Wagner and Joni were invited up to share with us their testimonies. This was followed by Mauricio who came up and gave a short, but very good message. Joseph F Smith stood up and spoke under the influence of the spirit, declaring that Wagner would be ordained to an elder that day to assist in the work with Mauricio. Sam Gould then stood and confirmed that the message was from the Holy Spirit. The congregation voted and the Lord's message given through Joseph came to pass. Cassiane, who is new to the group, also had an experience of feeling the Holy Spirit “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning.” Bob Moore testified that he saw the Holy Spirit move upon her.

After the service we went back to Mauricio’s apartment. The eight witnesses went with Wagner, Valdeci, and Mauricio to his home while the rest of the congregation went to eat lunch downstairs. After we gathered into the living room, they told us that Joni was bringing the plates, and that it would be about half an hour. I made the request that we have a time of worship in preparation, so we each said a prayer and began to sing various campfire songs. One song we sang was "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord.” Mauricio was moved by that song, and asked us to sing it three more times that day so others could hear.

Joni arrived with a small suitcase, and we sang “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord” again for him to hear. As we sang, Joni lifted his hands and began to pray. Mauricio also began to pray. After we sang, Joseph said a final prayer. Joni came into the middle of the circle, lifted the plates out of the suitcase, and set them down on a small table.

There was a moment of stillness before Gary stepped forward to lift them. He set them back down and slowly, six of the eight witnesses moved forward to examine them. Joseph and I stayed seated. I had decided before that the only way I would know if these were the true plates of the Book of Mormon was if the Holy Spirit was present. So I stayed put for several minutes in order that I might be still and listen for the spirit of God. It was not long before I felt a burning in my bosom, the same feeling that came to me after Joseph Smith's sermon on October 29. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Joseph was watching me, so I turned to look back at him. He was smiling. He reached out his hand, and I shook it.

I finally took my turn in holding the plates after everyone else. The plates were thin and had the appearance of gold. I picked up the plates and was surprised at how heavy they were. I examined the three rings that have a silver color and are also magnetic. I turned the plates and felt the engravings that were marked across the front and back of each plate.

Mauricio announced that he was going to open the sealed portion for the first time. . Using pliers, he pulled off the head of the pins holding down the sealed portion, and turned the first page. I watched as an expression of excitement and awe came to his face.

The plates of the sealed portion were a little different from the other plates. The plates of the first section were flat with shallow engravings on them. The plates of the sealed portion had the same engravings, but they had deeper indentations in them where the writings were. These plates also appeared more lustrous. Mauricio began to turn the plates of the sealed portion to see how many he would be translating before the section that is reserved for Christ. He turned about 40 pages when I saw Joni, who was helping him, become excited. I looked and saw a corner of a plate coming up that looked different than the rest. I could see that it had some sort of picture etched into it, rather than lines of characters.

Mauricio turned over the next plate, revealing this special one. The Holy Spirit immediately filled the room and I heard several gasps from the other witnesses. We marveled at the beautiful workmanship of the picture before us. It did not take long to see that it depicted the holy city of Zion descending upon the earth. The picture was horizontal, so the plates have to be turned to view it correctly. We could tell that it had been engraved from the other side because it was raised on the front. At the top was a figure in the middle with outstretched wings. Within the wings was a city. At the bottom was a man with little rays of light around him, standing in a dome. There were longer lines beginning at the top central figure expanding downwards. Halfway down on the right was another man with dots behind and below him. On the left side opposite were three characters in a horizontal line. Next to the dome on the bottom right were three little men, a fire pit, and a sort of dwelling, like a tent, all alongside each other. Above the dwelling were three lines coming down at an angle from the right.. On the edge of the plate was a small circle. Next to the dome on the bottom left is a little city. Above it on the left edge is a larger circle with little rays around it.

​The magnificence of this picture was astounding. We continued to marvel at the picture on this plate, which was the top plate of the second part of the sealed portion. There were little blockers at this point that prevented the plates from being turned further. Mauricio told us that Moroni said there were two parts to the sealed portion, but we were all there to actually see for the first time that this was true.

We gathered around the plates and knelt down in prayer. Mauricio offered a prayer, opening in the name of Jesus and closing with the name of Jesus. Others prayed afterward, and I began to form a prayer of Thanksgiving in my mind. As I began to pray, it rested upon my heart that I needed to commit my life to the Lord and His work. I did just that and was overcome with the Holy Spirit again. After our time of prayer, we began discussing the experience while Mauricio put the plates in the back room. There was a unity among us in that we all knew this was real. I met Mauricio when he came back out and he spoke to me in Portuguese. Having an intermediate knowledge of Spanish, which is similar, I was able to make out what he said. He told me  that he understood every word of my prayer, which was given in English. I was happy that the Lord had allowed him to understand my prayer of dedication. After about two hours with the plates, we left the apartment and met with the rest of the congregation for lunch. While standing in line, I turned around and saw Mauricio. He smiled and said to me, "Now you are driving the car."

After lunch we were discussing the picture in the gold plates and began to speculate about what it all meant. Mauricio quietly stood and got the interpreters out of his bag. He went into the back room where the plates were and locked the door. We realized that he was going to translate the plate, so we gathered together and David offered a prayer. As he prayed we heard the rustling of the plates being turned in the other room. After a short time, Mauricio invited us into the room where the gold plates were open to the picture. He explained to us what each part represents. Bob immediately typed up everything that was given to us, which is as follows:

“The image across the entire top with buildings across the bottom, which is curved downward in an arc, represents the celestial Zion. The descending rays represent the seven spirits of the seven churches (mentioned in John’s Revelation). The image under the center (4th) ray is a shepherd holding a staff. It represents Jesus Christ. There are eight light rays emanating from him. Eight is the number of Christ. Underneath Jesus’ feet is a line extending across the bottom of the page. Near the end of the line on the left is a small image for a city. It is under the rays of the sun, which is above and to the left of the small city. The left city represents Jerusalem in the last day. Above it are symbols for three times and two prophets. Mauricio also said there are two religions, although he does not know what they are.

The small image near the end and above the line to the right is an image for another city. It represents the land surrounding Zion. To the right and above there is an image of the moon. There are three figures to the left of the city, which represent 3 prophets for that day. Lines to the left of the city represents destruction that comes on this part of the world. Above the city on the left of it, but right of center is a larger figure. It represents Moroni, who is facing the center where the rays are coming down. An image of the plates appear to his left but near him about the height of his mouth. There are three dots to the right of Moroni and with an equal distance to make them reach his height. Underneath his feet are seven dots. They represent the seven dispensations.

Between the two cities is a semicircle centered on the feet of Jesus and with the line as its base. It symbolizes a dome of protection over Zion, showing that the destruction that is represented as bringing war to the city on  the right does not penetrate the protective dome over Zion.

The entire engraving shows the heavenly Zion coming down to Jesus who is standing in Zion underneath the spirits of the seven churches.  Jesus is directing the fulfillment of the Apocalypse of John, when Jesus will come to his temple and reads this part that remains sealed under this plate”

There are a few points that I remember Mauricio sharing that are not included in Bob’s write-up. The line across the entire bottom of the plate represents the body of water that separates the two cities. He also mentioned that everyone inside of the dome will be protected from the destruction, while all those outside who are righteous will be protected by the three prophets. Finally, the three dots behind Moroni represent three time periods of the Book of Mormon.

There were more blessings from the Lord concerning our trip to Brazil, including other dreams and interpretation of tongues, but these are the ones that directly involve me. I testify to all the people of the Earth that the gold plates, which I saw in Mauricio Berger's home on March 4, 2018, are the same plates of the Book of Mormon given to Joseph Smith Jr. I know this is true as it was confirmed to me by the Spirit of the Lord. I also testify that the sealed portion was opened for the first time by Mauricio Berger, assisted by Joni Batista, in the presence of all the witnesses. I look forward to the day when we get to read what is written on those plates, as it will help us in our endeavor to live righteously. I implore all those who read this account to inquire of the Lord, that you will know it is true. May God's blessings be upon Mauricio as he translates these precious plates. May God's blessings be upon His own people, that they will be lifted up in His holy Kingdom. Amen.

Kelvin Henson's Testimony

(of his work as scribe for the translation)

At 3:00 pm Brazilian time [on May 25, 2018], Mauricio Berger took Joni Batista and myself into the back room of his apartment where he does the work of translating the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. In a corner of the room, there is a small table with a desk on the end closest to the corner. He set up the area for him to translate and for me to write the words that he speaks. Mauricio sat at the desk, his back in the corner of the room. Joni and I sat at the table across from him. Mauricio had driven nails high up in the walls, one to his left and one to his right. He took a sheet with two strings attached to it and strung it around these nails. The end result created a little triangular space, between the two walls and the sheet, where Mauricio sat at the desk. Joni and I were on the outside of the sheet at the other end of the table. Right before we began, I looked in his little triangle and there was nothing there except for the plates, the interpreters, which he has fastened into a frame, and a chair. I sat at a computer and Joni sat next to me. For this small portion, Mauricio just had me type. But later he said I will need to write it out because there needs to be a physical copy of the translation. This first time for me was just a short passage, and we only did it in English, as the Portuguese part of the portion had already been completed. The three of us knelt on the floor and Mauricio offered a prayer. We then took our seats and the translation commenced. Mauricio sounded out the words as best he could. Some of them I was able to understand, while many needed to be spelled out. Joni sat next to me and watched, asking Mauricio questions of clarification when I couldn’t make something out, or thought a word didn’t sound right. There were some times when Mauricio made a mistake and he would reread the word until we could figure it out. The mistakes that were made were minor, such as accidentally replacing a letter “a” with a letter “o.” Oftentimes in these moments of question, he would ask me to turn off the light, as I was sitting next to the switch on the wall. He told me later that sometimes the artificial light reflecting off of the plates would interfere with what he was seeing through the stones. The translation that I typed came out to fifteen lines of text, and one hundred and ninety seven words. I asked Mauricio how much it was on the plates, and he put his fingers at the point where he started and where he ended. It was a little more than half of one line of characters. He later counted eleven characters that had been translated in that session. He also later explained some about how the interpreters work. He sees a list of articles and other filler words for the English translation that he chooses from to put into the spot provided. I do not fully understand this, and I don’t know if I ever will. But Mauricio said that when he read the English with me today, there were less options for him to choose from. He believes that since I was helping this time, he didn’t need as much assistance from the interpreters as he does when he is alone. It was a marvelous experience to help with the translation. The Holy Spirit was present and gave me clarity of mind which was needed to understand Mauricio’s attempts at sounding out the English words, some of which were far from correct, and to suggest the necessary minor changes. I do testify that the translation was accomplished only by the divine power of God who has brought forth this work in His own time and His own way. It is my understanding that I am supposed to be the English scribe for the complete length of the sealed portion, but I do not know if that is the Lord’s plan, nor do I know when it will be completed.


Volume 7, Article 4-October 2021: written by Peter Gould

Morning Manna: Bringing truth to the light - God’s blessing upon the seers.


“ 16 Behold, I make an end of speaking concerning this people. 17 I am the son of Mormon, and my father was a descendant of Nephi; and I am the same who hideth up this record unto the Lord; the plates thereof are of no worth, because of the commandment of the Lord. 18 For he truly saith, that no one shall have them to get gain; but the record thereof is of great worth; and whoso shall bring it to light, him will the Lord bless.”

It is a truism in life captured by the phrase: “history repeats itself” - which is only a restatement of the principle that the basic (fallen) nature of man has not changed in 6000 years.

In the 1830 era, when the Book of Mormon was translated, Joseph Smith suffered considerable persecution and adversity - but out of them all God delivered him (him will the Lord bless.”). In this era of the world the sealed pages of the Book of Mormon have begun to be translated, and brother Mauricio Berger has sufferred considerable persecution and adversity yet , again, “him will the Lord bless”.

The basic nature of man is to say: “it should have been done differently” or “he should not have done that” or “I would have done it better...” and similar. Instead of being thankful for the blessing we have received, there is often hostility toward those who brought these things to light - as it is written: “(2 Ne 2: 46) But thus saith the Lord God: O fools, they shall have a bible; and it shall proceed forth from the Jews, mine ancient covenant people. 47 And what thank they the Jews for the bible which they received from them? 48 Yea, what do the Gentiles mean? 49 Do they remember the travels, and the labors, and the pains of the Jews, and their diligence unto me, in bringing forth salvation unto the Gentiles?”

We might ask similarly - Do we remember the labors and suffering the seers have endured to bring to us these ancient words, engraven by Mormon’s hand?

Beloved brethren, God’s arm is not shortened that he cannot fulfill his words. He has and HE WILL bless those seers - but more than that - so much more than that - he will bless all who hear and obey those precious words! and HE WILL punish the transgressors for so it is written: “2 Nephi 12:66 For out of the books which shall be written, I will judge the world, every man according to his works, according to that which is written.”

Holy father in heaven, we ask in the name of Jesus our Lord that you would give us grace that we may hear and obey thy voice in all things. Give un empathy that we may feel the struggles and sufferings of those who sacrificed so much that we may hold in our hands the riches of eternity - even thy eternal word. Prompt us by thy Spirit to always remember the sufferings of thy son and the great and eternal price which was paid for our redemption, and help us , Oh precious Lord and God, that we may be purified as thy true children. Thus will we, as your image upon the earth, bring salvation to the souls of men, Glory to your eternal Name, Peace among all who hear and obey. Rejoicing among the redeemed of the Lord and so prove by example the truth and faithfulness in “Every word that comes from the mouth of God”.  Amen.

Author Apostle Peter Gould