Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 10, January 2022

Article 1: New Year's Message (By the Prophet Mauricio Artur Berger)

Article 2: Message from President Piffero (by Ronaldo Piffero)

Article 3: Drawing Nearer With Love (by Steve Woodby)

Article 4: Beware Hereafter (by Elder Gleuton França)


Volume 10, Article 1-Janaury 2022: by the Prophet Mauricio Artur Berger

New Year's Message

I would like to be herald of good news for this coming year, but as a prophet of the Most High, I cannot lie to his people. However, I bring refreshment to those who, when heeding the command of this message, will find strength and ascend, like eagles in 2022.

— Isaiah 40:31

1 – Before, however, it is important to look back and, given the situation we are in, with the constant climate change and the increase of natural disasters on our planet, I consider it essential to start with COP26, which took place in November of the 2021, in Glasgow , in Scotland, where highly relevant climate issues were widely debated among leaders from many countries, who reported that Covid-19 was not the only challenge humanity has had to face over the past two years.

2 - Human beings have also faced cyclones, droughts, floods, hurricanes in New York, fifty degrees in Canada, floods in China, Germany and other countries, fires in countries like Greece, Australia and Russia and, if that weren't enough, locust plagues in East Africa, Middle East, South Asia and South South America.

3 - Regarding the phenomenon being repeated in so many countries and practically at the same time, said the senior researcher at the United Nations, Keith Cressman, that it is just a "coincidence".

4 - Coincidence or not, over these two years we have witnessed on TV the worst natural disasters in recent times, together with the coronavirus pandemic, which caused to the death of millions of people and provoked a huge global crisis in health and economy, totaling millions of unemployed and thousands of bankrupt entrepreneurs around the world.

5 - Lastly and most forcefully, knocking on the doors of the New Jerusalem, we had a series of over 36 tornadoes during the night of Friday, December 10, 2021, which left a trail of destruction in their path. The worst-affected states, as reported by US President Joe Biden on TV, were five, yet the total number of states hit that night was six. Authorities in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois reported massive structural damage and thousands of homeless and dozens dead, while Andy Beshear, governor of the state of Kentucky, said it was “indescribable the level of devastation, unlike anything he before had seen” and, as in the parable of the thief explained by Christ in Matthew 24: 42-44, it arrived without fanfare, so that the first warning issued by the US National Weather Service was at 9:05 pm on Friday, 22 minutes later the tornado hit Anfield and caused such desolation as never before at this time of year, taking everyone by surprise.

— What, after all, do these phenomena have in common?

6 - They began to occur after the revelation the Lord delivered to His people in March 2020, in which He prophesied in detail that all of these events described above would occur from then on, with the arrival of a disease that would sweep the Earth and overcrowd hospitals in all over the world, causing the death of thousands of people.

7 - This revelation in question, which was dictated to me by the Lord Jesus Christ, and which is available on the internet for anyone to read and wake up to what is to come before it is too late, was widely ridiculed by my enemies on the social networks.

8 - However, two years after its disclosure at the April 2020 conference, it is noted that there was not a single point described in it that was not fulfilled in its details.

9 - It all started with the revelation received between March 19th and 27th, 2020, in which the Lord informs in verse 31: “... behold, I, the Lord, will raise up a leader for my people, yea, a Davidic servant ( ...) to lead my people in Utah under the tutelage of my prophet, and among them I will raise up one-who shall be mighty and strong in my house.”

10 - Six months later, this came to pass, when at the November 2020 general conference the Lord reveals to his prophet, before the eyes of all who were there, these two men, John Paul Pratt, as a servant Davidic and John Steve Woodby, like a mighty and strong, saying:

“For how much now I make known to you the names of those whom I have revealed to you before, as a Davidic Servant and a Mighty and Strong One to hold up the arms of my servant Mauricio, in the presidency of my Church in these last days. Just as it was in the early days of the recovery, when I the Lord, named and called, Sidnei Rigdon and Jesse Gause, as counselors to my servant Joseph, to establish the law of consecration among my people.”

— For what purpose do you form your presidency by calling these two men to establish the law of consecration among your people from November 2020?

11 - The revelation explains by saying: “...for, behold, my day is at hand and is fast approaching, who then can bear the Day of my coming? (...) Which is why I have encouraged you to erect the United Order, like Noah's ark to save you in the last days.”

12 - In ways that, the United Order can only be erected through the law of Consecration, which from that revelation on, would be established by the First Presidency among the people of the Second Invitation.

13 - Furthermore, we have seen throughout this year, which ends today, the revelations of the Lord persist in pointing to this same purpose, as can be read in the revelation obtained between April 10th and 12th, 2021, which mentions the following:

“… that as soon as the great tribulation sets in, through the desolation that will surround the new Jerusalem, may, with the combined resources, shelter for a time those who will have to leave their inheritances in the land of my vineyard, just as before revealed.”

14 - This will only be possible if each of us, individually, is already determined to treat seriously the Sealed Book and the revealed commandments given to us at the present time, so that we read in the revelation obtained between 30 June to July 2, 2021, on Tithing and Consecration, in verse 18 which says: “because they did not fulfill these same principles (...), I decreed [to the people of the first invitation] what you hold today to be section 84:23-29; 52-58 (LDS)."

15 - Since in verse 22 the Lord says: “...For, behold, the hour is fast approaching when (...) none of your goods retained by ye, for your personal safety, shall be of any value for your salvation when that day comes. (...) Which is why I have encouraged you to erect the United Order, like Noah's ark to save you in the last days.”

— But how can the people of Brazil expect us to build this Noah's Ark, if this people, privileged by the heavens in this Second Invitation, does not appear before the Lord with their tithes and consecrations, with the exception of a few brothers? Unlike Americans who generally correctly fulfill this commandment

16 - Perhaps they, the Americans, are more familiar with the dangers that so quickly approach, because, although all of us here in Brazil have seen the Coronavirus entering the gates of our nation and the thresholds of our own homes, we cannot dimension, as they do, the dangers of a tornado, simply by watching it on television, just as occurred with the devastation left by the tornadoes that swept through the southeastern and south-central part of the United States on Friday, this past month of 2021, who experienced such devastation up close, in which many Americans in neighboring states, some being known to our brothers in Missouri, lost everything overnight, just as prophesied in the aforementioned revelation which states: "as soon as the thing that causes desolation surrounds the New Jerusalem, know that none of your possessions held by you for your personal safety will be of any value for your salvation when this day comes."

17 - However, heed these words of mine, for the revelation is not only addressed to the Americans, but to all those who have affiliated with this Church, whether in Brazil, Australia, and other countries, and who will soon need to enter Noah's ark, as a United Order, to save themselves and their families.

— What will it be like if this day arrives, according to the divine timetable, and we haven't even erected the crops to enrich this work as Jesus required us to do in the revelation of this last conference?

18 - Not only that, it was also heard in this last conference, the words of the Lord uttered by the mouth of his prophet in the pulpit again, in which he clearly shows that all my efforts to establish the United Order in the year 2019 and 2020 were an effort in vain, for as the Lord reveals on this occasion: “...those who assented to the eternal covenant of the United Order, began to transgress the real purpose of the investments arising from the Consecrations of my people, which has the purpose of generating resources for the expansion of my work - which is why, they have come to incur a generational debt to me, the Lord, by using the resources of my work to establish businesses which until now have been solely for their own interests.”

19 - Realize that it was the Lord himself, Jesus Christ, who spoke to your people from the pulpit, requesting that those who agreed to receive funds to establish a business in partnership with the United Order, should from now on fulfill their obligations to with the Father's vineyard, and if that wasn't enough, He requested that his authorities: “That ye acquire this property and land to undertake in agribusiness, in order to generate wealth for my work and constitute among ye an entirely self-sustainable community capable of preserving my people against the calamities that that will come about ye.”

— “However, when will the General Authorities meet to deal with this matter of primary importance to the Lord?

— By not us prioritizing this until now, aren't we taking this latest revelation lightly?

— Or, did these people not understand that it was Christ Himself standing there in that pulpit, dictating to me, who was acting as their spokesman at that moment, dictating the words He wanted His people and their authorities to fulfill from then?

— Wouldn't these 36 tornadoes, at the gates of Missouri, have been a warning sign for us to hasten what the Lord has required of us since Moroni visited me, together with the three witnesses?

20 - Thus were transcribed the words recorded from the speeches of Moroni, in what is now verse 36, which says: “In turn, the church in Zion will not be large in that place designated by Christ, for as soon as that which causes tribulation comes, the people of Zion must be helped by you [the people of Brazil] to leave that place before the sudden destruction comes upon this earth (D&C 101: 1-23). Therefore ye will be great starting from Brazil everywhere in South America and when it is time for you to return to the land of Zion, then they will have plenty of resources to rebuild their desolate places.”

21 - With the people's refusal to respond to God's command, time after time since this Second Invitation began, it is difficult, from my human point of view, to glimpse such progress proposed by heaven, whose apex will be to help, to from Brazil, those of our brothers from the central stake of Zion (USA), when they have to leave the lands of their inheritance, and that, when the time comes to return to Zion, we will have plenty of resources to rebuild their desolate places.

22 - However, as stated in the March 2020 revelation, “those who truly believe in the sealed record will not be confounded, and will know that God is in their midst.”

23 - In relation to these words, that “they will know that God is in their midst”, I would say to the saints of this Second Invitation that they aspire to a better year for themselves and their family in 2022, the same as was written in the book of Isaiah chapter 40, verse 31, which says, “those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength and shall soar with wings, like eagles” above their troubles.

24 - One of the great evils of those who claim to hope in God, but get from Him no help to overcome their problems in life, is because they ignore the nature of his covenants, laws and commandments, which they bring with them, through of its observation and fulfillment, an invisible help, proceeding from the spiritual world.

25 - In the same way, we see eagles with your outstretched wings, waiting for an invisible force that can lift them up to heights, as well described by the prophet Isaiah.

26 - Likewise, I challenge you to be doers of the words revealed in these last days, both the Sealed Book, as well as the revelations given to us by Christ, that we may be a people peculiarly blessed by heaven in 2022.

27 - And only in this way, acting in accordance with the will revealed by Christ, will we be like eagles, whose flight illustrates very well how the strength from the Spirit of God can lift us spiritually and emotionally above all and any adversity in life.

28 - For, just as eagles cannot rise to the heights they usually reach with their own strength, but only by the flow of the ascending currents of hot air that make them soar, neither will we be able to cope, through our limited human capacity, with the difficult situations that from 2022 will befall all humanity. However, as God's prophet and spokesman in this Second Invitation, I assure you, my beloved brothers and sisters, that if we wait with outstretched wings, as we keep his commandments, as Isaiah so well wrote, we can be sure that we will never fall, but that we will find the invisible power of God that will lift us up, and like eagles we will rise above all things, obtaining “strength by virtue of him who gives us power”, just as described in Paul's epistle to the Philippians, chapter 4, verse 13.

29 - Be of, therefore, good cheer, therefore, as you enter this new year that is beginning, spread the wings of your faith, become a doer of the will revealed by Christ in this Second Invitation, and wait for the omnipotent power from the Spirit of Almighty God to whom we serve, for if you are faithful then there is nothing to fear in this coming year.



Volume 10, Article 2-Janaury 2022: by Ronaldo Piffero

Message from President Piffero

As 2021 draws to a close, with 2022 just around the corner, I reflect on what has been and what is to come.  The year 2021 was, perhaps, the most important year for me and my family. After following Brother Mauricio's path in the Lord's work from the beginning, with all the apprehensions and enchantments, just like a father watches the path of his son, I received from the Lord the call, together with Brother Steve Woodby, to raise the arms of the prophet. Quite startled by the surprise, I had, I must confess, the urge to flee, but the spirit suddenly gave me the clarity I needed, and then, like Isaiah in Isaiah 6:8 I said, "Here am I Lord. Send me".

Since that day my heart, my brain, and my whole being was flooded with a huge appreciation for this important work, a willingness to help the prophet, the brothers and sisters, and anyone in need. My life changed, I became happier, with a great purpose in life that goes beyond waking up, working, and performing the routine tasks of everyday life.

Thinking about all this, and about the conversations I had with the Prophet about our trajectory and mission in this life, I come to the conclusion that we are all called, in one way or another, at various times in our lives. The Father always calls us, rebukes us, counsels us. He never abandons us. There are no orphans of the Father. He is always present. We just need to want to see.

We come into the world as a rough stone, we need to go on polishing ourselves throughout life, and even more, when we find the divine path. At this moment our responsibility increases. With knowledge, we no longer have the excuse of ignorance.  Without pretending to be perfect, we have the obligation to perfect ourselves as human beings, to improve a little bit every day, or at least, to try. We cannot continue ignoring our defects and not nurturing our virtues.  But how to deal with such a challenge? How do I know if I am on the right path, if I am living up to such a calling? At what point should I light up the red alert to indicate that I am acting wrong towards the divine call that invited me to change and whose invitation I accepted? Let's reflect:

When God sent us into this world, he didn't send us blindly, aimlessly. He enabled us for the journey and equipped us with an extremely important tool, able to show us exactly what situation we are in, to set off a red alert when we have gone wrong and need to correct the route. We have a very, very effective GPS that works in tune with our whole being, body, mind, soul, spirit. This GPS is our feelings. They, like a GPS in a car, connected to a satellite, tell the driver which way to go, connect our heart to our brain, and tell us which way to go in life, saying: "Take a left from this bad feeling", "Come back the next opportunity of this bad action", and so, give us the opportunity to lead our life on the right path, which will bring us happiness and bring us closer to the Father and to our brothers and sisters.

We know if we are physically sick because we feel pain, or some discomfort. The red alert goes on. In the same way, the red alert of our behavior is our feelings. When we are mentally and spiritually balanced, at peace with God and with others, we are tranquil, serene. When we do good, we are seized by a feeling of happiness, directly proportional to the size of the good deed done. Who hasn't felt a great happiness, an inner euphoria, when they managed to solve a big problem for someone, when they fed a family in need and saw, at least at that moment, that they had relieved the burden of that little brother or sister? In the same way, when we do something wrong, no matter how big or small the mistake is, the red alert goes on immediately. We know that it is wrong, that we are having bad thoughts, bad feelings, even if we persist in the mistake, for whatever reason. Who until today has not spoken badly about someone and then regretted it? Was sad, apprehensive?  Who hasn't had a fit of anger and felt guilty?  Inside us, a voice tells us: "Hey, that's not right. Go back to the original program." Our original program is to be friendly, kind, tolerant, patient, loving. Remember the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7?

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not mistreat, it does not seek its own interests, it is not easily angered, it does not hold grudges. Love does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in the truth. It suffers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things".

The Sealed Book tells us a lot about perfecting, about feelings, about faith. The Book of Moses is filled with passages that show us the importance of these three words in our lives. Moses 3: 42 tells us, "These same feelings were established even before the foundation of the world to interact with human sensibility, so that the sons of men, even without the Priesthood of God, may identify, in the midst of their carnal nature, those good feelings which proceed from God to guide them in the way of justice and charity".

Another text tells us: "To evoke the many names of God, it is necessary to develop the gifts, therefore, the feelings corresponding to each one of them, and yet guard your hearts against the bad feelings that will interpose themselves in a tumult and stupor of thoughts. Faith, in turn, grounds the right feelings, nullifying the influence of opposing feelings, and this generates the priesthood force within man, which, in turn, interacts in the physical world. And this is the way prepared from the foundation of the world, in which the Only Begotten Son will come into the world and glorify the name of the Father, giving his disciples knowledge of these things, preparing the way by which others can be partakers of this gift, so that they can have hope. And if you have only hope so that your feelings will not be shaken, then you will have faith, and if you have that faith, then you have in you the keys to open or close every situation" (Moses, 4:23-24).

So, to conclude, brothers and sisters, let us keep in mind that no matter how difficult our internal struggle may be, our feelings are our guides, they are the light that the Father has given us to illuminate our path and the path of others, so that together, with faith, courage and persistence, we can overcome this world, just as Jesus Christ taught us: "I have told you these things so that you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation.

But take courage! I have overcome the world!" (John, 16:33).


Volume 10, Article 3-Janaury 2022: by Steve Woodby

Drawing Nearer With Love

Conference has now passed and we are beginning a new year. Many use this yearly renewal to make resolutions of change and self-improvement. If you are willing, join me in a resolution: Increasing our capacity for loving our Heavenly Father and our neighbors. During the November conference and for two days at the Brazilian mountainside retreat, we were witness to sublime views of baptisms along a mountain stream and new revelation given by our prophet Brother Mauricio Berger. We also fellowshipped with attendees from other countries until the wee hours of the mornings, listening to their testimonies of visions and dreams that led them to the Second Invitation in Brazil. We prayed, sang, and rejoiced in the spirit of Christ. There were many tears of love and joy as we were given a glimpse of what “one heart and mind” looked and felt like. Many of us didn’t want to leave.

We were isolated away from the world through this gathering and had few distractions, and the spirit of the Lord was present continuously. It was a rich environment to grow and love. Coming home after the conference, however, gave us an abrupt contrast in spiritual environments. How can we recreate those feelings of love and joy, or at least more of them, in our own homes? Have you felt like you have hit a plateau in your growth or found yourself saying, “I don’t want to think/feel that way,” recognizing old patterns of negativity impregnated in our minds from earlier days? Let’s resolve to change, even if it’s little by little. Let’s consider the First Commandment:

Matthew 22:37-39: “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.”

In what ways can we look to improve? Prayer, fasting, meditation, scripture study, service, and charity are only some of the routes we can pursue on this year’s spiritual journey. In pursuit of negating resentment, the Sealed Book of Mormon teaches us how to succeed:

A3Nephites 8:1: “The Nephite people, taken then, by their highest sentiments, banished from their midst all resentment that came from the evil one, beginning with sorrow and rancor, then anguish and fear, anger, covetousness, and lasciviousness, and many others derived from satan, whenever an adverse feeling to the heavenly gifts was identified a record was made of it for the purpose of being worked out at Church meetings in general, for the purpose of being replaced by those noble sentiments derived from the bigger Gift, coming from the name of our God, one at a time, until the strife between brethren ceased to exist, and there were no more quarrels among the Nephite people.”

Are we willing to follow this Divine Counsel of success and do the legwork? Let me share an old Asian parable with you: There was an elderly grandfather sitting with his young grandson, and they observed two dogs fighting: a black dog, and a white dog.

They were closely matched in size and skill. After a while, the young man asked: “Grandfather, which one will win?” After a thoughtful moment had passed, he replied, “The one you feed.” Let us remember that as we do the work, we are feeding the spirit instilled in us by our Heavenly Father.

SBMoses 5:14: “… The Lord had formed man on Earth for the purpose of developing spiritually…”

1 John 4: 16-17, 19: “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgement: because as He is, so are we in this world… We love Him, because He first loved us.”

I think I should share a part of my conversion story from years ago and the power of God’s love that came with it. I tell this because of a feeling that some may not understand its magnitude. All glory being unto the Lord. I had an experience where I was given the Book of Mormon on my nightstand and confronted by a powerful spiritual presence (not physical) that filled me with love beyond description. I immediately collapsed in tears, feeling so filled with this overwhelming unconditional love that I thought it would start gushing out of my head. It felt like I was being stretched like a plastic bag filled with water. I don’t really know how to explain what happened next, but the Spirit put it very clearly in my heart that God loved me in spite of what I thought, and wanted me to read this book!

Now that I’m familiar with Lehi’s dream and I’ve learned about that fruit (God’s love) which is sweet above all others, I know it’s true! ABOVE ALL THINGS, PERIOD! In it’s presence I felt whole, unconditionally loved, content, peaceful, not wanting anything else but to remain there forever. In fact, I would have given all that I had or ever hoped to have to be able to stay in that love.

I know I am an undeserving servant, but having been given a great gift of mercy and love. Feeling its indescribable power has given me a new perspective that not only came with a mighty change of heart but also showed me how small sacrifices, trials, burdens, and opposition really are relative to His great love.

In summary, brothers and sisters, let us resolve to remove the stumbling blocks on our path that inhibit us from growing closer to the heart of our savior, Jesus Christ.

If you are a newcomer, sitting there alone, searching for truth or trying to understand the meaning of this life, you are NOT alone. God loves you, and we love you, and we invite you to come worship with us.


Volume 10, Article 4-Janaury 2022: by Elder Gleuton França

Beware Hereafter

God, in His infinite goodness, grants men the privilege and honor of working in the holy work of salvation of His children. There are several moments in the scriptures when the Lord is portrayed as someone deeply dedicated to the work and who is emotionally involved with the events.

In Matthew's gospel we can find the parable of the laborers in the vineyard (Mt.20:1-16), which, in addition to showing that the Lord will treat everyone the same, regardless of the manner and occasion in which they were called to be involved in the care of the vineyard, also shows us that the Lord rewards the laborers with justice. (Mt.20:7).

We can observe that a specific amount (verse 2) was agreed upon only with the first to be called; for everyone else it was only said, "you shall receive what is fair." The question then arises: what will define fairness in relation to work? Would it be the time worked? Would the most qualified first ones receive a greater reward than the last ones, who did not work as hard? A superficial look would say yes. However, if we remember that the Lord of the vineyard is personally involved in the toils of the day, and that He watches carefully and attentively each one "who plows the plow", He can define who is entitled to the agreed wage or not, because according to the dedication, He will do justice.

In the Book of Mormon, we see that the criterion of dedication and commitment on the part of the servants after the call is what will define the justice of each one's reward. The allegory of the olive trees shows us a Lord of the vineyard who works side by side with the servants, who rejoices at the good results (Jacob 5:75), but who, likewise, laments and weeps at the loss of good fruit. (Jacob 5:41). A phrase repeated throughout the text is, "I would be sorry to lose this tree and its fruit." It shows genuine feeling, deep love for each tree, each fruit. Would the servants be "good and faithful" if they did not serve in this same way? Another expression that is constantly repeated is: "with all diligence". Diligence denotes firm and persistent conduct.

Under the Lord's eyes we are required to work hard, that is, with full and unreserved dedication, side by side with Him, persistently, so that we may at the end of the day receive what is due, for that is what has been agreed upon with us, the workers of the eleventh hour.

God does not tolerate indolence and apathy, which, in the eyes of the Lord, are ways to sabotage the work, harm His children, and fulfill the designs of the enemy. (D&C 58:29 LDS)

Laman and Lemuel, Nephi's older brothers, used indolence and apathy as a way to sabotage a project of God, namely, the building of the ship that would take them to the promised land (1Ne17:49). As a result of their actions, they were shaken by the Lord in rebuke for refusing to work diligently and support His word and will revealed to the prophet (1Ne17:54).

What would be the Lord's way of shaking us today if we are similarly indolent and apathetic?

In conversation with the prophet, I, Gleuton França, shared with him a thought about the spiritual greatness of Pres. John Pratt and how much he could contribute, if in life he remained. I asked the following question: "Why did the Lord call brother Pratt already elderly and allowed him to serve only for three years and has already called him to His presence?" As you read my words, can you sense what the Lord answered me? The offering has been given. The plow has been plowed. The fruit was gathered into the barn in the measure that was reserved for Pres. Pratt (Jacob 5:75) I then asked myself the question, "Would it make any difference then if he had been called in the first hour or having been called in the last hour?" The answer is obvious.

In the fifth conference of the Church of Christ, the Lord spoke out in revelation to His prophet, Brother Maurício A. Berger, and again appoints those who serve as workers in my vineyard. God has reorganized offices, stewardships, and assigned to many their due portion of the work that awaits them. However, He gives them a warning that can be extended to all who are called to work:

“Take heed and beware; for behold, I pass by your transgressions and erase your errors from before my eyes, provided that ,from now on, they become excellent doers of my will, as required by me, the Lord of the Vineyard, administered by my faithful butler, Maurício Artur Berger — And behold, if you do this, I will not impute to ye any sin because of the afflictions and constant prayers of my servant in your behalf”.

The Lord also said on that day that such stewardships, if not exercised with care and diligence, would not be for them a privilege and honor, but a cause for cursing and condemnation in the eyes of the All-seeing One.

In the context of the last days, this warning makes it clear that there will not be a new invitation, a new extended hand, a new opportunity to do more, better, and well, "for behold, this is the time for men to do their work" (Alma 34:32).

In the revelation, the Lord used the term excellent, which refers to a higher standard of excellence. Also in the book of Alma we read of Helaman's warriors, who, facing imminent death, "obeyed every word of command with exactness”. (Alma 57:20-21). What would have been the consequences for them if they had acted sluggishly, apathetically, and slowly in obeying commands? Let us once again remember Pres. Pratt. What would have been his reward before the Lord if his posture toward the work had been summed up this way? -morose, apathetic and slow. Would there have been time and opportunity to act differently?

It was clear to me that exact obedience combined with exactness in fulfilling the word and will of the Lord through His prophet is of utmost spiritual importance.

May we serve and serve in this way! May our eagerness and feelings derived from God qualify us to obtain the approving grace and seal of our work in the Lord's vineyard. And may the Lord never say to us, as He said to Moses, referring to the way the people acted with murmurings and bad feelings, which resulted in the loss of the high priesthood among them.

"And behold, you are not worthy of such greatness, for I desired to obtain a people for My name, an estate that I might call My own, a nation of priests; but they did not qualify in the days of Moses.

Behold, to this end I will continue to work; and at the end of all things, when I come in the fullness of time, then will I find on the earth a people ready to receive Me. Amen" (Moses 17:22-23)

"Beware hereafter," said the Lord.