Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 4, September 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 4, September 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 4, September 2019

So in a very real way, The Sealed Book is still sealed! I believe that the varied and opposing responses of so many people actually prove the validity of this statement. The truths and mysteries of God contained in this sacred book are not readily available to everyone. Those truths and mysteries can only be opened to the understanding of our hearts and minds through spiritual preparation, our faith in the power of God, and our acceptance of God’s awesome power. 

The excerpt above is from Article 1: Is The Sealed Book Still Sealed? by Melva Cackler

We wanted to come to Brazil not only to escape the horrible reality that we lived in our country but because through the Holy Spirit I felt that things were happening here like when the Church was restored in 1830. So we began to pray to our heavenly Father so that a path would open and we could see in person everything that was happening. In my heart I knew that Brother Mauricio Berger is a Prophet and that the true priesthood authority was being organized. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that was happening, the ministering of angels and the Sealed Portion.

When it seemed that hope was farther away, the Lord presented the opportunity to my son José Ángel and me to meet with brothers from the conference of branches in São Paulo, Brazil. My wife told me that we should do our best to fulfill our desire to meet the Brothers in Palhoça that she could stay and resist for another time waiting to see the will of the Lord, since if He wanted us to go out He would provide the way.

The excerpt above is from Article 2:  In the Shoes of a Prophet, by José Chávez

Click here to read Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 4, September 2019