
The Law of Witnesses

The Law of Witnesses

Illustration: The Three Witnesses. Engraving by H. B. Hall & Sons, 1883; image of Oliver Cowdery from a photograph by an unknown photographer, circa 1845; image of David Whitmer from a photograph by Jacob T. Hicks, circa 1865; image of Martin Harris from a photograph by Charles W. Carter, circa 1870

By João I. Vendemiatti

From ancient times, witness evidence was widely used in rudimentary legal systems. In the Law of Moses, we see that the power of two or three witnesses was sufficient to condemn a person to capital punishment (Deuteronomy 17: 6 and 19:15).

The purpose of this article is to show that the Testimony Proof in the process of the Mormon plates, as required by the Lord in their sacred scriptures, does not require witnesses to believe that the plates or their contents are true or not, but only to testify to the world that they saw them.

Jesus mentions that the truth is established by the mouth of two or three witnesses (Matthew 18:16 and John 8:17).

Paul, on at least three occasions, mentions the Law of Witnesses (2 Cor 13: 1, 1 Tim 5:19 and Heb 10:28).

In the Book of Mormon, God also uses this same principle, as we can see in 2 ne 11: 3, 27:12, Ether 5: 4 and Moroni 6: 7

In Doctrine and Covenants we have section 128: 3.

I have always wondered why this law of witnesses is so used by the Lord if it can easily be circumvented. That was when I realized that no, this law cannot be so easily circumvented.

As I began to advocate and deal with witnesses from both my clients and the opposing parties, I realized that creating a false witness is very difficult because it is easy to unmask someone who lies. Especially when one has to spend years telling the lie and being questioned by many. It is even more difficult to keep an agreement between several people, where over and over everyone will tell the same story.

The law of the three witnesses can indeed be circumvented in a court of law, but in everyday life it will be extremely difficult.

This is why God begins his work with witnesses of events, witnesses of the baptism of Jesus, witnesses of the miracles of Christ, witnesses of the resurrection of Christ, witnesses of the visitation of angels, witnesses of the handing over of the plates. Whenever someone claims to have 2 or 3 witnesses, and who bring messages from God to men, the saints should pay attention.

Should they believe only for this fact? Certainly not. But it deserves at least an impartial and honest study of the message and a sincere self-criticism as to whether we are not putting up a barrier made up of human precepts and traditions rather than listening to the possibility that God is speaking to us.

This is the Second Invitation. The law of witnesses does not require them to make a value judgment of the act, but to bear witness to something they witnessed. As in Joseph’s day, witnesses did not always believe in Joseph as a prophet, or even in the contents of the Book of Mormon. The testimony that was required of them is that they bore witness that they saw the angel and the plates. Joseph’s 3 witnesses abandoned him. Almost all 8 witnesses took different paths. Today is no different, many witnesses, who are from different branches of the restoration, attest to having seen the plates, but many do not believe in Maurício or the translation. The sealed portion brings new concepts, new doctrines, and the restoration of old ordinances that many do not believe because of their traditions. Some do not believe in Pre-existence, others do not believe that God has a physical body, others also do not believe in baptisms for the dead, others believe that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, others believe in the plurality of Gods. Each branch of the restoration has its doctrinal differences and witnesses fail to believe the truth of the book’s content based on their personal convictions and traditions. But none of them can claim they haven’t seen the signs. The three witnesses may leave Maurício, eventually failing to believe him as a prophet, but they can never fail to bear witness that they have seen a messenger from God and heard his voice.

Many who today are our friends, who open our homes, our lives, and the affection of our family, tomorrow will be our enemies who will aim to destroy us. This has happened in Kirtland in the 19th century, and is happening today, and will continue to happen. Because we are within an eternal circle, history will repeat itself over and over until the work is completed and the Great Jehovah decrees from Heaven that the work is finished and the great fold of Christ’s Church is complete.

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The Authentic Name of the Church | O Autêntico Nome da Igreja

“As the work of this second invitation expands rapidly bringing to all Saints of the World knowledge of the Sealed Book, it is up to us on this official page of the Zion Project to clarify some of the prophecies that was changed in the intricacies of LDS society, beginning with the prophecy that identify the Church of Christ in the latter days, as revealed by God to his servant Joseph Smith Jr. in the early days of the restoration in the well-known D&C Section 115: 3-4. – Revelation on building up Far West (RCH 2: 151-152 – RLDS)…” Maurício Berger

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“A medida que a obra desse segundo convite se expande rapidamente levando aos santos do mundo todo o conhecimento do Livro Selado, compete a nós, nesta página oficial do Projeto Sião, esclarecer algumas profecias que foram alteradas nos meandros da sociedade SUD, a começar pela profecia que identificaria a Igreja de Cristo nos últimos dias, assim como revelada por Deus ao seu servo Joseph Smith Jr. nos primórdios da restauração na conhecida Seção 115: 3-4 de D&C. – Revelation on building up Far West (RCH 2:151-152 – RLDS…)Maurício Berger

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