Come to be part of this story!
Whenever I listened to the stories of some great prophet, such as Noah, Moses, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, I would ask, "Would I have followed them or not?" A part of me always replies, "Sure! Aren't you following today?" However, thinking and putting myself at that age, the doubt increased each time it actually transported me to history. I wasn't so sure anymore.
An example would be Noah. Imagine today if a person speaks, on a dry and cloudless day in the sky, that it will rain, I already feel like laughing, then imagine if a man says that a flood will fall and spend years building a boat ? Would I have entered the ark?
What about Moses? Even after seeing the Red Sea open, they forgot Him and worshiped a golden calf. Would I really be the voice of reason?
Christ Himself, when He appeared, people did not accept Him, because of their centuries-old traditions. People wanted to decide how they should have seen the Savior, like a king in a golden cradle. As a great conqueror and warrior, not as a mere carpenter's son. Would I follow Him? Would I recognize my Savior? I transported myself back to that time, and I had a mind that, yes, I would see, hear and follow him, and recognize my Savior in him. But then I asked myself "Would I really go there to hear him? Would I go out of my way to take this time? Crossing crowds just to see him pass? Boating many miles to hear him, even without food? Would I have witnessed the miracle of bread multiplication? I think most of us would say yes, at least we would try.
And when I heard about a 14-year-old, I thought "Why not an older person?", "Why not a renowned pastor, someone with prominence or even the Pope?" Once again, I found myself pondering if I lived then, would I follow him? Would I listen to his message? Would I have the courage to change my traditions, my home, or even pray to be sure?
Today these questions had a greater weight on me. I learned about the Book of Mormon Sealed Plates, a simple man said he received them from an angel, such as Joseph Smith. I automatically said that he was an impostor, I didn't want to know about it ...
As I read the scriptures I wondered if it was at that time ... I AM ON THAT TIME! A new fact appeared, a prophet appeared or just another impostor. What do I have to lose? Well, if I hear you and you know you're an impostor, ok. All right. But if if I hear that man has been called by God to give us more teachings, I have much to gain. Through weak things the Lord shows Himself (Alma 37: 6-7). I had the opportunity to go and meet for myself.
And would you have followed the Savior? Were you a pioneer? Would you hear a person today who has a little more to add to you? Would you pray with real intent to receive an answer from heaven?
Would you have been part of the story?
Come to be part of this story!