Herald of the Second Invitation

Herald of the Second Invitation, Volume 9, Dec 2021

Herald of the Second Invitation, Volume 9, Dec 2021

Article 1: Opening Prayer of the 5th World Conference of the Church of Christ (Rafaela Brandolini)

Article 2: Revelation from the Lord – November 2021

Article 3: A Relationship With God (Oberli Cristian Berger)

Article 4: The Righteous Shall Live by Faith (Tyler Crowell)

Article 5: By the Force of Love (Patricia Pires)

Article 6: The Journey to Zion (Valdeci Machado)

Article 7: Patriarch – Advice and Blessings for Life and Eternity (João Vendemiatti)

Article 8: The Aaronic Priesthood and Readiness for the Kingdom (Robert Cackler)

Article 9: Called to be Guards—Protecting Our Families (Melva Cackler)

Article 10: Tribute to President John Paul Pratt

Article 11: Leaving Babylon – An Ancient Script (John Steve Woodby)

Article 12: Abandoning the Precepts of Babylon, an ancient guideline by flashes of present-day light (Maurício Berger)

Article 13: For Such a Time as This (Kelvin Henson)

Article 14: Am I My Brother’s Keeper? (Renilde Pacheco)

Article 15: We Must Never Abandon God (Adelisa Berger)

Article 16: Rescue everyone through ministering the fullness of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST (Bento D’Almeida)

Article 17: The Lord is Seeking One Just Man, Woman, and Child (Samuel S. Gould)

Article 18: Closing Prayer (Renee Whitefield)

Article 19: Tithing and the Law of Consecration – (John Paul Pratt)

Herald of the Second Invitation, Volume 8 – Nov 2021

Herald of the Second Invitation, Volume 8 – Nov 2021


Article 1: Life History of John Paul Pratt (written by John P. Pratt)

Article 2: Fountains of Living Waters Society, In God’s Timing (written by Melva A. Cackler)

Article 3: Morning Manna, The Battle Against Doubt and Fear (written by Peter Gould)

Article 4: Differences between Holy Spirit, Gift of the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit and Fruits of the Holy Spirit (written by Joni Batista)


Artigo 1: História de Vida de John Paul Pratt – (escrito por John Paul Pratt)

Artigo 2: Sociedade das Fontes de Água Viva, No tempo de Deus – (escrito por Melva Cackler)

Artigo 3: Maná da Manhã: A batalha contra a dúvida e o medo – (escrito por Peter Gould)

Artigo 4: Diferenças entre Espírito Santo, Dom do Espírito Santo, Dons do Espírito e Frutos do Espírito Santo – (escrito por Joni Batista)


Articulo 1: Historia de la vida de John Paul Pratt (escrito por John P. Pratt)

Articulo 2: Sociedad Fuentes de Aguas Vivas, En el tiempo de Dios (escrito por Melva Cackler)

Articulo 3: Maná de la Mañana: La batalla contra la duda y el miedo (escrito por Peter Gould)

Articulo 4: Diferencias entre Espíritu Santo, Don del Espíritu Santo, Dones del Espíritu y Frutos del Espíritu Santo (escrito por Joni Batista)

Herald of the Second Invitation – Volume 7, Oct 2021

Herald of the Second Invitation – Volume 7, Oct 2021


Article 1: The standard set by God (written by Maurício A Berger)

Article 2: The Same Faith of Jared’s Brother (written by Coriolano Pacheco)

Article 3: Kelvin Henson’s Testimony (written by Kelvin Henson)

Article 4: Morning Manna: Bringing truth to the light – God’s blessing upon the seers (written by Peter Gould)


Artigo 1: O Padrão Estabelecido Por Deus – (escrito por Maurício A. Berger)

Artigo 2: A MESMA FÉ DO IRMÃO DE JAREDE – (escrito por Coriolano Pacheco)

Artigo 3: Testemunho de Kelvin Henson – (escrito por Kelvin Henson)

Artigo 4: Maná da Manhã: Trazer a verdade à luz – a bênção de Deus para os videntes– (escrito por Peter Gould)


Articulo 1: El estándar  establecido por Dios (escrito por Maurício A. Berger)

Articulo 2: La Misma Fe del Hermano de Jared (escrito por Coriolano Pacheco)

Articulo 3: Testimonio de Kelvin Henson (escrito por Kelvin Henson)

Articulo 4: Maná de la Mañana – Traer la verdad a la luz – La bendición de Dios sobre los videntes (escrito por Peter Gould)

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 6, Sept 2021

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 6, Sept 2021


Article 1: My Testimony About the Sealed Book (written by Bento D’Almeida)

Article 2: To Live for the Sake of Something Greater (written by Valdeci Machado)

Article 3: Get Out of Your Comfort Zones (written by Renee Whitefield)

Article 4: The Second Invitation in History –1878 Interview with David Whitmer

Article 5: Messages from Saints and Seekers Dear brothers and sisters, in this edition we are launching this section where we will post some beautiful and inspiring messages from church members and seekers that were published in the social networks.


Artigo 1: O MEU TESTEMUNHO SOBRE O LIVRO SELADO – (escrito por Bento D’Almeida)

Artigo 2: – VIVER EM PROL DE ALGO MAIOR! – (escrito por Valdeci Machado)

Artigo 3: – SAIA DA SUA ZONA DE CONFORTO – (escrito por Renee Whitefield)

Artigo 4: – O segundo convite na história – entrevista com David Whitmer, 1878.

Artigo 5: Mensagens de Santos e pesquisadores Caros irmãos e irmãs, nesta edição estamos a lançar esta secção onde colocaremos algumas belas e inspiradoras mensagens de membros da igreja e pesquisadores que foram publicadas em redes sociais.


Articulo 1: MI TESTIMONIO SOBRE EL LIBRO SELLADO (escrito por Bento D’Almeida)

Articulo 2: ¡VIVIR POR EL BIEN DE ALGO MÁS GRANDE! (escrito por Valdeci Machado)

Articulo 3: SAL DE TU ZONA DE CONFORT (escrito por Renee Whitefield)

Articulo 4: La Segunda Invitación en la historia –Entrevista con David Whitmer, 1878

Articulo 5:  Mensajes de Santos e Investigadores Queridos hermanos en esta edición estrenamos esta sección donde colocaremos algunos hermosos e inspiradores de miembros de la iglesia e investigadores que fueron publicados en las redes sociales.

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 5, Aug 2021

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 5, Aug 2021

“A new revelation was received beginning on 30 June 2021 which clarifies some important points about the law of tithing and the law of consecration as implemented in the United Order. It also emphasizes the need to immediately begin to live consecration at a higher level because the law is designed to save the saints from the catastrophes which are about to befall the world. The need to build cities of refuge before the calamities befall us is now as important as it was for Noah to build the ark before the waters of the Great Flood came.”

Excerpt from article 1: Tithing and the Law of Consecration (by John P. Pratt)

“Revelation obtained through the interpreting stones between June 30 and July 2, 2021, after a meeting of the general authorities of the Church about tithing on June 29, which debated the actual understanding of the surplus tithe described in D&C 119 (LDS) in correlation with the law of consecration, which begins with the tithe. In what follows, the will of the Lord revealed to his servant, Mauricio, through prayer and mutual consent of the general authorities who were present at the meeting.”

Excerpt from article 2: Revelation on Tithing and Consecration (typed and translated by John P. Pratt)

“But since my voice does not reach all Latter day Saints because of the barrier imposed by their leaders in their hearts, I will communicate without barriers with those who believe in the divinity of the Sealed Book, translated from the plates of Mormon by the power and gift of God, for, behold, the days are approaching when there will be peace and tranquility only among those who are called to hold the meeting of the Lord’s elect and who hear His voice and do not harden their hearts, because the Father decreed that they will be gathered in unto one place to prepare the hearts of His people, for them to be ready in all things when the tribulations and desolations are sent on the wicked  upon all the face of the Earth (D&C 29: 7-8 LDS). And behold, the time is little that the saints have in order to prepare themselves for what is to come. However, as revealed by the Lord in D&C 31:30 LDS: “if ye are prepared ye shall not fear”.”

Excerpt from article 3: Proclamation (by Maurício A. Berger)

So, as Father appointed Patriarch, I will promise that by performing the sacrament correctly, you will have in abundance the power of God to break through all the barriers of the physical world and nothing will be impossible for you as the powers of Heaven, the Holy Spirit of God will be abundant in us, the Body of Christ, and we will then be able to climb the steps to be a people of one heart and mind, and thus we will be able to walk with God again. And this promise I make to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the Father, who made this sacrifice of unconditional love and acts as our advocate with the Father. Amen.

Excerpt from article 4: The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (by João Vendemiatti)

Read all articles from the August 2021 Herald of the Second Invitation, Volume 5