Herald of the Second Invitation

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 4, September 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 4, September 2019

So in a very real way, The Sealed Book is still sealed! I believe that the varied and opposing responses of so many people actually prove the validity of this statement. The truths and mysteries of God contained in this sacred book are not readily available to everyone. Those truths and mysteries can only be opened to the understanding of our hearts and minds through spiritual preparation, our faith in the power of God, and our acceptance of God’s awesome power. 

The excerpt above is from Article 1: Is The Sealed Book Still Sealed? by Melva Cackler

We wanted to come to Brazil not only to escape the horrible reality that we lived in our country but because through the Holy Spirit I felt that things were happening here like when the Church was restored in 1830. So we began to pray to our heavenly Father so that a path would open and we could see in person everything that was happening. In my heart I knew that Brother Mauricio Berger is a Prophet and that the true priesthood authority was being organized. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that was happening, the ministering of angels and the Sealed Portion.

When it seemed that hope was farther away, the Lord presented the opportunity to my son José Ángel and me to meet with brothers from the conference of branches in São Paulo, Brazil. My wife told me that we should do our best to fulfill our desire to meet the Brothers in Palhoça that she could stay and resist for another time waiting to see the will of the Lord, since if He wanted us to go out He would provide the way.

The excerpt above is from Article 2:  In the Shoes of a Prophet, by José Chávez

Click here to read Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 4, September 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 3, August 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 3, August 2019

Once on the top of Morro Agudo, accompanied by Jader, he was visited by Peter, James and John, the three apostles of Jesus Christ, who for a time passed guidance and training to him.

Another situation was at a certain moment when Mauricio was in his apartment and three men appeared at his door

The excerpt above is from article 1: Answers to Common Criticisms of the Work, by João Vendemiatti and Sergio De Moura

After this event, The Book of Mormon continues on to describe a vision Lehi had:  “And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, … And the first [Angel] came and stood before my father, and gave unto him a book, and bade him that he should read.  And it came to pass that as he read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and he read, saying, Wo, wo unto Jerusalem! for I have seen thine abominations; Yea, and many things did my father read concerning Jerusalem–that it should be destroyed, and the inhabitants thereof, many should perish by the sword, and many should be carried away captive into Babylon.

The excerpt above is from article 2: Can Lehi be Elasah?, by Ian Cackler

Below is a speech by a 12-year-old who was invited to speak at a Saturday meeting. This 12-year-old had never attended any church before his father was baptized on April 6, 2019 at the invitation of Mauricio Berger. He now actively participates in meetings and missionary work, along with his father and mother. His speech shows how much he has learned as a student of The Sealed Book Study Center in the city of Palhoça. Brazil.

The excerpt above is from article 3: Zion – The Pure in Heart, by João Vitor Ventura Dos Santos

Click here to read “Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 3, August, 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 2, July 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 2, July 2019

Brothers, the three witnesses SAW MORONI, they shook hands with an Angel of the Lord.

I testify of the countless blessings we have received, by being close to these men who were with Moroni, who were instructed and clothed with power from on high.

Have we realized how sacred this work is that these men have testified to the world?

Excerpt from article 1: The Three Witnesses of the Sealed Book, by Sergio De Moura

Therefore, there seems to be no doubt that the “sons of God” described in Genesis 8:9 IV (Moses 8:21 LDS) correspond to the angelic sons of God described in the holy Bible before its correction and which Joseph translated verse 2 for “sons of men” intentionally, only to show that they now lived on earth in bodies similar to the sons of earthly men even though they were the sons of God coming from heaven. (See Genesis 4:12-13 IV, Moses 5:12-13 LDS)

The most compelling thing in all of this, therefore, is the fact that not all fallen angels were thrown into prison.
You never wondered why?

Excerpt from article 2: Refutation To Opposing Arguments, by Maurício Berger

The other amazing thing that is happening, is that there are those who feel ashamed to pray about it because they feel unfaithful and weak when they dare to ask God about a matter about which there should be no doubt in their minds. There are those who read the Sealed Book predisposed to find defects, with the seed of contempt already planted in their hearts. There are those who read with a doubtful heart, but with a certain respect. There are those who are plagued by doubts and hold a constant supplication in their hearts, and as they read the Book, a ray of light changes the course of their lives. There are those who are faithless, apathetic, disillusioned and something suddenly happens that completely changes the situation. There are those who decide to read the book to challenge those who believe in it, to throw “in their face” some untruths and contradictions and finish reading with the book “stuck” in their throat amid the dilemma of not being able to deny it. In short, there are as many experiences as there are people who face this Work.

Excerpt from article 3: Invitation To Rationality, by Coriolano Pacheco

Click here to read all three articles: Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 2, July 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 1, June 2019

Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 1, June 2019

So, as Supreme Ruler and Creator, Jehovah undoubtedly holds many things in secret until the time predetermined by Him arrives to reveal them to mankind through His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). — Among its secrets is one that is hidden in the revelations of John, which the Lord Jesus Christ set out to reveal only in the dispensation of the fulness of times, and that will enable us to obtain the correct understanding of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon in the 19th century and the Sealed Book –, which we have available between us, a small part at this time in history of restoration, further exposing the immeasurable wisdom of God in keeping their affairs under cover in order to reveal them in timely moments of this gospel dispensation in which we live now. What symbolizes the small open book described in the text of Revelation 10:2?

Excerpt from article 1: A Secret Everyone Needs to Know by Maurício Berger

What do we learn from this? That we are not alone in this work. That along with this small group of men and women now standing up in Brazil, Missouri, and the world as students of the Sealed Book Study Centers, there are myriads of angels in readiness (D&C 86:5 LDS, D&C 84:2b RLDS) to do with this work of God as it did in the early days of the restoration, but according to the promise of the angel Moroni three times greater.

Brothers and sisters and friends, sympathizers of this work that begins among us, do not allow your hearts to be afflicted because of our humble condition compared to the greatness of the churches of the restoration that surround us. The Lord prophesied that we would be like a hut in the midst of a garden of cucumbers surrounded by great and sumptuous temples, but that in due time the little one will become a strong nation (Isaiah 1:8, 60:22). So do not grieve your heart for joining something so small and seemingly insignificant at this point in the history of the restoration, for Jehovah’s heavenly organization assures us that there are more who are with us than with them.

Excerpt from article 2: Another Secret Is Being Revealed In These Latter Days by Maurício Berger

Click here to read all of Herald of the Second Invitation, Vol 1, June 2019