by John P. Pratt
22 Mar 2020, New Year (E), Declare (P), 1 Water (SR)
©2020 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.
A witness that the prophecy that the Prophet Joseph Smith would someday return has been fulfilled.
1. End of Fulness of Time 2. Prophecies 3. Joseph's Last Dream 4. Multiple Mortalities 5. Christian Witnesses 6. My Witness 7. Conclusion Notes .pdf Download |
On the Enoch Calendar, today, Sun 22 Mar 2020, is the 200th anniversary of the First Vision of Joseph Smith, being New Year's Day.[1] That day opened a 728-year age referred to in the Book of Enoch as the "9th week" of the 10-week history of the world from the Garden of Eden to the Final Judgment.[2] To honor Joseph, this article first reviews the prophecies that someday Joseph would return to complete his work and then provides a witness that this prophecy has been fulfilled.
The first section discusses how sacred calendars predict that the last dispensation has two parts separated by 182 years. The first was at the time of the restoration of the Church of Christ by Joseph Smith. We are in the second period now. The next section reviews modern revelations which imply that Joseph the Seer will return again in the second part of the fulness of times to continue the work he started. Then the last dream of Joseph Smith is reviewed which alludes to his return and the state of the Church at that time. Then multiple mortalities are reviewed as a possible explanation of just how Joseph might return. Finally the last section is my personal witness that Joseph has already returned, right in the time period alloted for his return!
On several sacred Calendars there are two separate time periods in the last dispensation during which the gospel is to be restored. These are indicated by counting years in the same manner in which days are reckoned in one year. In the (Perpetual) Hebrew Calendar and its counterpart, the Enoch Calendar, and the uniform versions of each, there is a seven year period which includes the time of restoration of Joseph Smith and a period in our current era.
Figure 1 shows the two seven year periods on the Enoch Calendar. They were the periods which correspond to the seven years of PASSOVER (where all capital letters refer to a seven-year, rather than seven-day, period). The first year of a Great Year of 364 years on the Enoch Calendar began on Sun 26 Mar 1820, the very day of the First Vision![3] At the time of the restoration, the 7-year PASSOVER was from 1833-1840, during the time in "Zion", referring to Missouri, but it technically started in 1829 in the year CONSECRATION when Oliver Cowdery appeared as a scribe for the Book of Mormon. In the Passover ritual, Consecration is the day on which the Passover lamb is set apart from the others, chosen to be the Passover sacrifice, so in that sense it begins Passover. That occurs 4 days before Passover, hence CONSECRATION in 1829 is 4 years before PASSOVER 1833.
The annual 7-day autumn festival which corresponds to Passover is called Tabernacles. It occurs exactly half a year (182 days) after Passover. That means TABERNACLES occurs 182 years after PASSOVER in a Great Year on the Enoch Calendar. As is illustrated in Figure 1, TABERNACLES is from 2015-2022. Because Tabernacles is even more holy that Passover, that period may well be the time period at the end of fulness of times when we might expect the return of Joseph the Seer to finish his work.
Thus, there is a time indicated during which Joseph Smith should appear, if he is indeed to return to finish his work of restoring the Church before the Second Coming. Now let us turn to some prophecies of this event in modern revelation, which are more easily understood after knowing that there are two separate parts to the dispensation of the fulness of times.
The following scriptures and their interpretation were all published in a detailed article by Watcher,[4] an anonymous blogger who attempts to awaken the LDS people to the meanings of many of their scriptures which have been overlooked, and which actually explain a lot about the times we are now in. He has a brilliant technical mind, but he gives credit to Mrs. Watcher for having the spirituality needed to correctly recognize the following scriptures as referring to the return of Joseph Smith, along with others of the first elders, to finish their work. Let us look at some of the scriptures which she found.
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1. "I shall send you again." In late December of 1832 several elders had assembled themselves to learn the will of the Lord concerning them (D&C 88:1). These elders were the "first laborers in this last kingdom" (D&C 88:74). The Lord commanded them that henceforth they should tarry there, continuing in fasting and prayer, teaching each other the doctrine of the kingdom, and studying a variety of subjects, including current events (D&C 88:74-79). The Lord then explained the purpose for all of this preparation:
That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the mission with which I have commissioned you...
Therefore, tarry ye, and labor diligently, that you may be perfected in your ministry to go forth among the Gentiles for the last time, as many as the mouth of the Lord shall name, to bind up the law and seal up the testimony, and to prepare the saints for the hour of judgment which is to come; -- D&C 88:80, 84.
Doesn't this revelation simply mean for them to get better prepared for their next missions a few years later? Apparently not, because the mission referred to would be during the "last time" to "prepare the saints for the hour of judgment". Think about that! These future missions would not be to baptize new converts to build up the Church. The future missions would be prepare the saints (already baptized) for the hour of judgment soon to come! And it would occur during the "last time" just before that judgment! That time is now! Those men are to return at this very time to prepare the saints!
Who are the men who were gathered to know the will of the Lord and who will return with future missions? As quoted above, they were the "first laborers in this last kingdom". Who were the first laborers? Besides Joseph Smith, would they not include the three witnesses and eight witnesses of the Book of Mormon, as well as other early missionaries?
This prophecy is incredibly important, because it states that not only Joseph will return, but that several of the first elders will also return to perform future missions. Exactly what does that mean? How will that be fulfilled? How can men who have been dead for over a century return to perform missions? Will they be resurrected? Will they appear in glory? Or will they look like normal, everyday people? Will they be easy to recognize or will that require faith and prayers? How will we know who they are? These are an important questions that are begging to be answered!
2. "I will visit ... them for your good." In the revelation to Joseph Smith where he was commanded to write a proclamation to "all the kings of the world", the Lord went on to promise Joseph and others that:
in the day of visitation, when I shall unveil the face of my covering, to appoint the portion of the oppressor among hypocrites, where there is gnashing of teeth, if they reject my servants and my testimony which I have revealed unto them.
And again, I will visit and soften their hearts, many of them for your good, that ye may find grace in their eyes, that they may come to the light of truth, and the Gentiles to the exaltation or lifting up of Zion. -- D&C 124:8-9.
Here the Lord tells Joseph and others that in the day visitation (long after Joseph lived) Joseph and those with him "shall find grace in their eyes", implying that they will be alive at that time, most likely on their future missions.
3. Parley P. Pratt. After the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum, in answer to a plea for comforting words to tell the saints, the apostle Parley P. Pratt received this revelation:
"Lift up your head and rejoice; for behold! It is well with my servants Joseph and Hyrum. My servant Joseph still holds the keys of my kingdom in this dispensation, and he shall stand in due time on the earth, in the flesh, and fulfill that to which he is appointed."
Notice the Joseph will appear again in the flesh "in due time" and fulfill his calling. It was pointed out in Section 1 that we now appear to be in that "due time".
The following account of the dream is taken from the official History of the Church for the day of the Prophet's martyrdom on Thu 27 Jun 1844:
"Joseph related the following dream which he had last night:
"I was back in Kirtland, Ohio, and thought I would take a walk out by myself, and view my old farm, which I found grown up with weeds and brambles, and altogether bearing evidence of neglect and want of culture. I went into the barn, which I found without floors or doors, with the weather-boarding off, and was altogether in keeping with the farm.
"While I viewed the desolation around me, and was contemplating how it might be recovered from the curse upon it, there came rushing into the farm a company of furious men, who commenced to pick a quarrel with me.
"The leader of the party ordered me to leave the barn and farm, stating that it was none of mine, and I must give up all hope of ever possessing it.
I told him the farm was given me by the Church, and although I had not had any use of it for some time back, still I had not sold it, and according to righteous principles it belonged to me or the Church.
"He then grew furious and began to rail upon me, and threaten me, and said it never did belong to me nor to the Church.
"I then told him that I did not think it worth contending about, that I had no desire to live upon it in its present state, and if he thought he had a better right I would not quarrel with him about it but leave; but my assurance that I would not trouble him at present did not seem to satisfy him, as he seemed determined to quarrel with me, and threatened me with the destruction of my body.
"While he was thus engaged, pouring out his bitter words upon me, a rabble rushed in and nearly filled the barn, drew out their knives, and began to quarrel among themselves for the premises, and for a moment forgot about me, at which time I took the opportunity to walk out of the barn about up to my ankles in mud.
"When I was a little distance from the barn, I heard them screeching and screaming in a very distressed manner, as it appeared they had engaged in a general fight with their knives. While they were thus engaged, the dream or vision ended." DHC 6:609-610.
What does this dream mean? Is it prophetic? Why is recorded in the History of Church? Why was it given on the very morning on which he would die? Was it about his future? If not, what was the point of the dream?
Does not Joseph's farm represents the Church over which he was steward? Did the dream not prophesy that he would return to reclaim his Church? If so, then would not his absence represent the time between his death and his return? When he returned, he found the Church in disarray, which is left for the reader to interpret, as well as who are those men who refused to give his farm back to him.
Given that Joseph Smith and others who were the original founders of the restored church will return, how shall we recognize them when they appear? Will they descend in a column of light as resurrected beings? Will they just suddenly appear on stage at an LDS general conference in order to set the Church in order (D&C 85:7), as translated being can do? Just how will that occur? The above scriptures state that they will perform missions to help prepare people for the coming tribulation. That sounds like they might look like regular people, even as Angel Moroni appeared when he was walking along the road taking the gold plates from Harmony to Fayette in June 1829.[5] How should we expect them look when they return?
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There has been a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ which has been hidden from most Christians until now, but known somewhat to those in Eastern religions. It is the concept of "multiple mortal probations", which was taught by the original Christians and also Mormons.[6] It is basically reincarnation of the same intelligence (or spirit) into different mortal humans. It has also been called the Doctrine of the Eternal Round. There are several articles on my website explaining the basic concepts and how it has actually been hidden in plain sight in the scriptures. It is an important concept to understand as we enter the Millennium.
There are two different basics groups involved in multiple mortalities. First, there is the group of most people who have not learned to love each other and to treat others as they would like to be treated. At death their eternal intelligence is allowed to review its life and choose to live again in living conditions which will teach the lessons needed. At the same time its psyche ("soul" in King James Bible) goes to hell, where it feels remorse for the evils it has committed. After a sufficient number of cycles on the "Wheel of Life", if it learns to love others it can be "born of the spirit" (John 3:5) where its intelligence and psyche are connected to give birth to its "spirit", after which, death of the body leads to the spirit going to paradise, rather than hell and rebirth. Some Eastern religions refer to getting off the Wheel in that manner as attaining "Buddhahood".
Once having obtained paradise and becoming a spirit (intelligence and psyche connected), the person can choose to return to earth to help others to progress. There are seven upward steps on what is called "Jacob's ladder" (Gen. 28:12), which one may ascend by fulfilling certain criteria. Each requires "condescending" to come back to earth to achieve higher and higher levels of service to mankind.
The Book of Abraham speaks of a council in heaven before this world was created. It is explicitly stated that three types of beings were present: intelligences, spirits, and souls. Once the meanings of the words "intelligence", "spirit", and "soul" are understood as used by the Lord in English, then the deeper meanings in the Book of Abraham can be comprehended. The overlapping meanings of those words are shown in Figure 2. Let us consider each of those three words and then consider the principle of "condescension".
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There were many intelligences assembled before this world began, where it was decided to create (organize) a world in order that they could be tested to see if they would do all things they were commanded to do by the Lord. As noted above, the meeting was composed of three types of beings: intelligences, spirits, and souls:
"Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones; And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born." -- Abr. 3:22-23, emphasis added.
Even as Abraham was one of the great leaders in the pre-existence, so was Joseph Smith, who was known as Phanuel, one of the seven chief angels of God. Evidence from the constellations indicates that he has condescended to come to earth to live a mortal life several times. If those inspired figures have been interpreted correctly in my work, Phanuel was Joseph of Egypt and also the prophet Daniel, as well as Joseph Smith.[8]
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When this truth is understood, then it is seen that the most likely way for Joseph Smith to return would be the same as Daniel was promised that he would return in the last days:
"But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." -- Dan. 12:13.
How will he come back to stand in his lot at the end of days? One possibility is that he was reborn as an infant who grew up to be called Joseph Smith, Jr!
So how can Joseph Smith's last dream be fulfilled that he will return and find his "farm" overgrown with weeds? One possibility to consider is that he will be reborn as an infant! But if that is to occur, how could we recognize him? How was Joseph Smith recognized? Although he claimed visions, that was not the key factor. It was his works! He produced the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and unified all of the confused interpretations of the Bible into one coherent and self-consistent whole. Moreover, the Holy Ghost testified to all who prayed about him and the Book of Mormon that the word indeed was of God!
How did Christianity begin? Jesus called twelve disciples and seventy missionaries, but He does not have appeared to have started a church. The Holy Ghost was not given generally until the Day of Pentecost. That day may have been the formal beginning of the Lord's church, which had awaited receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
That event occurred after the Ascension of Christ into heaven, so all that was left were memories and writings. So what accounts for the phenomenal growth of Christianity to be one of the great world religions? At His death, He had only a few followers and the leaders of those decided to back to fishing. Jesus had brought a much more difficult law to live with His Sermon on the Mount than was the law of Moses, and He had been executed with common criminals for daring to teach what He did proclaim.
So what was it about Christianity that made it develop such a fervent faith in Christ that His followers were willing to be burned as human torches in Nero's circus? That subject could fill many volumes, but most would probably agree that one of the key factors was the fact that there were many witnesses of the resurrected Christ! Moreover, those witnesses could perform miracles as a witness of the truthfulness of their testimony.
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People did not become Christians because the church had a great youth program! They joined when they were personally converted through answers to prayer. But what about Saul? He was not praying to know if Christianity was true, but rather was executing Christians because of what he thought he knew to be true. What converted Saul? It was that he became a witness of the resurrected Christ himself!
Saul, renamed Paul as his Christian name, was so impressed with the reality of his vision, even though he alone saw Christ at that time (Acts 9:7), that he began to testify of his vision to all of Asia (modern Turkey) and Europe. He did not teach the Sermon on the Mount about how wonderful that new higher law of love is. He did not teach much of what is in the four gospels, which were mostly written after his death. The starting point of his message was that Jesus, who performed so many miracles, was indeed the promised Messiah (Christ). Knowing that, then the need to obey His teachings naturally followed. Moreover, when Paul gave his witness before kings and magistrates, he did not perform miracles in front of them. The lesson from Moses in the court of Pharaoh showed that miracles did not convert and that many could be copied by the false priesthood. Paul bore his witness, as did the other apostles, and people became interested enough to find out for themselves that it was indeed true.
This article is being written in the spirit of Paul, inspired by his example of not fearing that people would call him insane or deluded, which indeed happened (Acts 26:24). He knew that most would reject his message and that he would most likely eventually be killed for his witness. Nevertheless, he planted enough gospel seeds in several locations, and nourished them with his epistles, that Christianity began to flourish after his death.
The same can be said about the First Vision of Joseph Smith and his other revelations. His church was not just another version of Protestantism, but rather the announcement of new revelations from heaven! It heralded a true and living church (D&C 1:30), which corrected the errors of other Christian churches, such as infant baptism (Moroni 8:9-12)!
Paul's example seems like a good one for Christians to follow, especially those who have witnessed a truth that needs to be shared with others.
In November 2019 I attended the first general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Brazil. The name of that church is spelled as in the days of Joseph Smith, without "Latter Day" being hyphenated as it is with in the church based in Utah. It claims to be the continuation of the church started by Joseph Smith, which splintered into many pieces at the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. The principal factions were the Brighamites, the Strangites, and the Rigdonites. After some time there were two principal sects which remained. The Brighamites became dominant, centered in Utah and the Reorganized LDS Church in Missouri.
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I was curious about the Brazilians' claim, because indeed Brigham Young had not had an air tight claim to continue the church which Joseph had started. He was just an apostle and had never even been ordained to be a high priest, much less be in the First Presidency, which was chosen from the High Priests Quorum (D&C 107:22).[9] When Brigham tried for three years to sell the Nauvoo Temple, he couldn't because he did not own it. The deed clearly stated that it was owned by the First Presidency of the Church. What Brigham had was the vote of the people. But then, that is also what the leaders of the other splinter groups had.
Mauricio A. Berger, the prophet, seer, and revelator of this church in Brazil, has claimed to have been given the Plates of Mormon, from which the Book of Mormon had been translated, by the Angel Moroni to translate a few of the sealed plates to come forth at this time. He thus produced The Sealed Book of Mormon which was available on Amazon for $5. I bought a copy, believed it was authentic, and published a favorable book review on my website.[10] The review was read immediately by those in Brazil, which led to me being invited to speak for an hour and half at their first general conference.
Thus, I accepted the invitation for three reasons. First, I wanted to support their cause, which I felt was true. Second, I wanted to meet Mauricio Berger, the man who had produced the book. The third reason was that I had heard that Mauricio had claimed to be Joseph Smith having returned to continue his mission. I was open to that possibility because I had just completed writing four articles about "multiple mortal probations", but I wanted to see personally what was going on.
Mauricio had seen my articles about multiple probations and asked me to teach about that in my discourse. When I expressed surprise at teaching that openly at general conference, he explained that he believed the time had come for the concept to be known. In fact, he felt it to be a foundational part of the continuation of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, I included a summary of those concepts in my talk.[11]
I stayed in the home of Mauricio while in Brazil for a week, but nothing was ever mentioned to me about any claim for him to have once been Joseph Smith. When the time of conference came, again nothing was said by anyone but me about multiple mortalities! I was puzzled. I was, however, allowed to become a witness of the gold Plates of Mormon, which he still had in his possession.[12]
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Although I had come to the conference only to speak, I felt prompted to be both baptized and confirmed a member of the church there. While I was in line to be baptized, the following miraculous experience occurred. Someone was sitting too close to the stream where the baptisms were being held and Mauricio asked a man to please move back somewhat. The man held his ground, apparently wanting to take close-up pictures. Then, suddenly, Mauricio playfully and laughingly splashed water on the man! In that instant my spiritual eyes were opened, and I saw that Mauricio was indeed Joseph Smith again incarnated into another mortal body. I instantly knew with absolute certainty that he indeed had the same spirit which had animated Joseph Smith! I also knew that I knew of no one else who would splash water playfully at a sacred baptism, but from all I had read about Joseph Smith, he definitely could have done that!
Later that night when I was alone with Mauricio, I mentioned to him that I had been allowed to recognize that he was actually Joseph Smith returned. I expected him to acknowledge the truth of my words, but instead he only smiled knowingly, but said nothing. So I ended up not knowing how openly the "Doctrine of the Eternal Round", as it is called there, is taught.
This article is the first time I have declared my witness that Mauricio is indeed Joseph Smith returned. Also, I'm sure that some of the witnesses of the Sealed Book and others whom I met are also some of the "first elders" who have returned, but I cannot identify exactly who each one was in the past. I testify that the prophecies about Joseph and some of the early elders returning are being fulfilled. They are here to again preach the gospel and prepare the saints for what is to come. And they indeed represent the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, currently based in Brazil!
Several prophecies claim that the Prophet Joseph Smith and some of the first elders of his church will return someday before the great tribulation in order to prepare the saints for what is to come. One likely time for that to occur is between 2015 and 2022, the period on the Enoch Calendar which corresponds to a similar 7-year period during which the restoration occurred.
A dream which Joseph the Seer had on the day of his martyrdom indicated that when he returned in the future, the church, which had been taken over by others, would be so neglected and dilapidated that it would be beyond repair, such that he would not even want to try to set it in order.
In what form or manner will Joseph and the others appear? While it often assumed that they will come miraculously, this article suggests a more likely alternative. Evidence continues to accrue which testifies that advanced souls can return to earth by being born again as infants and grow to maturity to continue their former missions.
Then my personal witness is given that Mauricio A. Berger, who translated part of the sealed portion of the Plates of Mormon into The Sealed Book of Mormon, indeed has the spirit of Joseph Smith, now returned to mortality to continue his work. This was revealed by the Spirit to me as I watched him playfully splash water on someone at a baptism. Moreover, I have no doubt that some of those who were the first elders of Joseph's church have also returned to continue their work with Mauricio.
All of this testifies that miraculous works still occur as a witness of the hand of God!
1. Pratt, John P., "Enoch Calendar: Another Witness of the Restoration" Meridian Magazine (5 Aug 2002) Section 1.1 The First Vision: Sun 26 Mar 1820, 1 Spr 1 SPR. New Year's Day on the Enoch Calendar is usually on the Sunday after the spring equinox, which is today, Sun 22 Mar 2020. In 1820 it fell on Sun 26 Mar 1820.
2. Pratt, John P., "Enoch's Ten Week Prophecy" (24 May 2015). The total time on the Enoch Calendar is 10 x 728 = 7,280 years. Some sacred calendars reckon that time as 7,000 years plus a "little season" (D&C 77:6, D&C 29:22, D&C 43:31). The Jubilee Calendar reckons it as 7,203 years and the intercalation of the Enoch calendar reckons it as 7,212 years. Each has different beginning and ending events, but usually the time is about 7,200 years.
3. Pratt, John P., "Enoch Calendar: Another Witness of the Restoration" Meridian Magazine (5 Aug 2002) Section 1. The Day-Year Pattern. This section contains my first announcement of the date of the First Vision as well as explaining Great Years.
4. Thanks to Russell Anderson for pointing out the exhaustive article by Watcher at "Simply Types and Shadows or the Literal Fulfillment? Part Two: 16 Prophetic Evidences in Modern Revelation of Joseph Smith’s Return", starting with the headings entitled "Prophetic Evidence".
5. "David Whitmer told Elder Joseph F. Smith of the Quorum of the Twelve about his wagon trip to Fayette with Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. As they traveled across a section of prairie, they came upon a man walking along the road, carrying something that was obviously heavy in a knapsack on his back. Invited to ride, the man replied, 'No, I am going to Cumorah.' Puzzled, David looked around inquiringly, but when he turned again, the man was gone. David demanded of Joseph: 'What does it mean?' Joseph informed him that the man was Moroni, and that the bundle on his back contained plates which Joseph had delivered to him before they departed from Harmony, Susquehanna County, and that he was taking them for safety, and would return them when he (Joseph) reached father Whitmer's home." Historical Record 6:207-209 (May 1887), quoted by Peterson, H. Donl, "Moroni", Ensign (Jan 1992).
6. Pratt, John P., "Multiple Mortalities of Angels" (4 Jan 2020).
7. Pratt, John P., "Multiple Mortalities of Angels" (4 Jan 2020) Section 2: Elijah & John the Baptist.
8. Daniel is represented by a constellation of the angel Phanuel (see my "Prophets, Angels, and Constellations", 25 Jan 2020, Section 2: Daniel) and Joseph Smith is too (see my "Angels and Their Constellations", 16 Jan 2020, Section 2.3 Phanuel: Joseph Smith). That means that both men had the same spirit (Phanuel) and hence were really the same individual in different bodies.
9. A high priest requires a higher level of priesthood than an apostle, who is a merely an elder (D&C 20:38) with a special calling to be in a traveling council (D&C 107:23). See my "Uniform Hebrew Calendar Witnesses Sacred Events" (2 Dec 2014) Section 2.4 High Priests.
10. Pratt, John P., "Is The Sealed Book of Mormon Genuine?" (26 May 2019).
11. Pratt, John P., "Preparing for Zion" (16 Nov 2019), is a video of the English version of a talk I gave in Brazil.
12. Pratt, John P., "Examining the Gold Plates" (11 Jan 2020).
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